
Image: Charles Rondeau, Green Dollar,

Core Climate was launched by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited in October 2022. How can Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, leverage Core Climate to assist the country’s Greater Bay Area and other regions to accomplish their climate goals? Will Core Climate be able to help Hong Kong become a leader in sustainable finance in Asia?Read more

In Brief

上周日,熊美英博士在中国浙江省杭州市举行的会议上发表题为《浙江、案例指导与中国全球经济发展》的主题演讲。这一演讲来得正及时,因为就在同一天,一位党领导到总部位于浙江的阿里巴巴进行调研。此次调研不仅标志着自两年前阿里巴巴面临监管调查以来的首次此类调研,而且发生在习近平主席主持中央经济工作会议仅两天后。该工作会议明确提到支持“平台企业”(例如阿里巴巴)“在引领发展、创造就业、国际竞争中大显身手”。Read more

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Last Sunday, Dr. Mei Gechlik delivered a keynote speech titled Zhejiang, Case Guidance, and China’s Global Economic Development at a conference held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The speech turned out to be timely as on the same day, a Chinese Communist Party leader visited Alibaba, the e-commerce giant headquartered in Zhejiang. The visit not only marked the first of this type since Alibaba faced serious regulatory investigations, but also occurred only two days after President Xi Jinping chaired the country’s economic working conference, at which China’s “platform enterprises” (e.g., Alibaba) were called upon to “show their talents in leading [the country’s] development, job creation, and international competition”.Read more

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Image: Dawn Hudson, Globe Watercolour,

美国总统拜登最近与中国国家主席习近平的会晤缓和了两国之间日益紧张的局势,让人感到棘手的台湾问题在不久的将来不太可能引发冲突。这一发展符合台湾民众的主流立场。在1994年至2022年进行的调查中,大多数受访者表示希望看到台湾“维持现状再决定”或“永远维持现状”。这向北京领导人发出了什么信号?在此过渡期间可以做什么?Read more

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Image: Dawn Hudson, Globe Watercolour,

U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent meeting with Chinese President XI Jinping has eased the growing tension between the two countries, giving rise to hope that the difficult Taiwan issue will be unlikely to trigger conflict in the near future. This development is in line with the mainstream stance taken by people in Taiwan. The majority of respondents to surveys conducted from 1994 to 2022 have expressed their wish to see Taiwan (a) maintain the status quo and then decide the future at a later date; or (b) maintain the status quo indefinitely. What does this signal to leaders in Beijing? What can be done in the interim?Read more

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Image: Kai Stachowiak, Block Chain,

在中国和其他三个司法管辖区近日宣布成功测试其区块链驱动的mBridge(“货币桥”)平台之后,国际上争相建立一个平台让许多国家能使用其中央银行数字货币(“央行数字货币”)来安全、高效、廉价地结算跨境交易的情况已经引起了更多关注。中国对货币桥的期望是什么?货币桥的成功是否会促使包括美国在内的其他国家认真考虑自己的央行数字货币计划?Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Block Chain,

The race to have a platform through which many countries can use their central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”) to safely, efficiently, and inexpensively settle cross-border deals has drawn even more attention after China and three other jurisdictions recently announced their success in testing their blockchain-powered platform, mBridge. What are China’s expectations for mBridge? Will the success of mBridge drive other countries, including the United States, to seriously consider their own CBDC plans?Read more

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Image: Peter Griffin, Rural China,

中国《网络小额贷款业务管理暂行办法(征求意见稿)》于2020年底引起了全世界的关注,人们普遍认为该文件的监管要求导致蚂蚁集团的IPO受挫。中国对农村优先发展是否会使该暂行办法更快地获得通过,毕竟其明确的功能是为“农民”等服务?此外,目前对小额贷款业务的外商投资限制是否会取消?Read more

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Image: Peter Griffin, Rural China,

China’s draft rules on online small loan business drew worldwide attention in late 2020 when the regulatory requirements therein were believed to have caused Ant Group’s IPO setback. Will China’s prioritized development of rural areas speed up the adoption of the draft rules, the explicit function of which is to serve, inter alia, “farmers”? Will current restrictions on foreign investment in this area be lifted?Read more

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Image: dencg/

中国提出了通过“加快建设数字经济、数字社会、数字政府”等工作来建设“数字中国”的目标。“数字政府”在这些数字举措中的作用一直不明确,直到有关该主题的重要文件于2022年6月发布时,这一点才变得清晰。该文件亦让人瞥见,在即将召开的中共二十大会议闭幕后,中国新一届领导层领航中国时很可能会继续采取的发展方向。Read more

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Image: dencg/

China has set a goal to construct “digital China” by, inter alia, “accelerating the construction of a digital economy, a digital society, and a digital government”. The role of China’s “digital government” in these digital initiatives was not clear until a significant document on the topic was issued in June 2022. The document further provides a glimpse of the direction that the new Chinese leadership will likely continue when they are at the helm after the conclusion of the forthcoming Chinese Communist Party’s 20th National Congress.Read more


Image: Ron Mzr, Haifa,

China and Israel have reportedly accelerated negotiations on their long-anticipated free trade agreement (“FTA”), raising hopes that the FTA may come to fruition by the end of 2022 to mark the 30th anniversary of the two countries’ relations. What lessons can be learned from the decade-long activity of Chinese multinational corporations specializing in infrastructure projects in the Israeli market?Read more

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Image: elwynn/

Since late 2021, China has been pushing the development of the Metaverse and expressing its keen interest in joining the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, which was signed by Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore in June 2020. These efforts and their latest developments, together with President XI Jinping’s current visit to Central Asia, help show China’s strategic preparations for the future.Read more

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Image: posteriori/

《数据出境安全评估办法》(“《办法》”)自9月1日起实施,预计将引发一系列由国家互联网信息办公室(“网信办”)进行的安全评估。任何“数据处理者”计划将其在中国境内收集和产生的“重要数据”出境到其他国家,都必须通过网信办的安全评估。如果未能通过安全评估,数据处理者是否可以在法庭上质疑网信办的决定?Read more

In Brief

Image: posteriori/

The coming into effect of the Measures for the Security Assessment of Outbound Data Transfers (the “Measures”) on September 1 is expected to trigger a series of security assessments conducted by the Cyberspace Administration of China (the “CAC”). Any “data processor” planning to transfer to another country “important data” collected and generated inside China is required to pass the CAC’s security assessment. If the CAC decides against the data processor, can the CAC’s decision be challenged in court? Read more