About Us | 关于我们

FOUNDER & CEO | 创始人兼首席执行官

Dr. Mei Gechlik

Dr. Mei Gechlik | 熊美英博士

SINOTALKS® empowers governments, businesses, and professionals with knowledge about China law and policy to help them seize global opportunities. Led by the team who founded the groundbreaking China Guiding Cases Project of Stanford Law School and successfully brought the project’s analyses to nearly 250,000 readers from over 100 countries, SINOTALKS® has multiple knowledge assets, including SINOTALKS® IN BRIEF, SinoExpress™, SinoForum&Foresight™, SinoInsights™, and SinoRules&Cases™. Drawing on these knowledge assets and Founder and CEO Dr. Mei Gechlik‘s extensive experiences, SINOTALKS® offers assistance to our clients through consultation, customized training, and/or speaking engagements.  In just two years, the website of SINOTALKS® has attracted nearly 100,000 users from more than 160 countries (e.g., China, the United States, and India).

丝络谈™(SINOTALKS®)为政府、企业和专业人士提供中国法律和政策知识,壮大其力量以争取全球机遇。丝络谈™由开创性的斯坦福法学院中国指导性案例项目(“CGCP”)的创始团队所领导, 该团队成功将CGCP的分析带给来自100多个国家的近25万名读者。丝络谈™拥有丝络谈™简讯丝络速递™丝络论坛与远见™丝络灼见™丝络规则与案例™等知识资产。凭借这些知识资产和丝络谈创始人兼首席执行官熊美英博士的丰富经验,丝络谈™通过咨询、定制培训和/或演讲活动 为客户提供帮助。短短两年时间,丝络谈™网站已吸引了来自中国、美国、印度等160多个国家的近10万用户。


Dr. GUO Wenli

Dr. GUO Wenli | 郭文利博士
Assistant President, Beiming Software Co., Ltd.

Dr. HAO Zuocheng

Dr. HAO Zuocheng | 郝作成博士
Founder & Executive Director,
Center for the Rule of Law and Sustainable Development,
China University of Political Science and Law

Shaoping Jiang

Dr. Shaoping Jiang | 姜少平博士
Visiting Scholar, School of Law, Washington University in St. Louis

Professor Michael Klausner

Professor Michael Klausner | Michael Klausner教授
Nancy and Charles Munger Professor of Business & Professor of Law,
Stanford Law School

Dr. Leon Lee (Yong Li)

Dr. Leon Lee (Yong Li) | 历咏博士
Founder & Managing Partner, Sequoia Smith Partners

Mr. James McManis

Mr. James McManis | 马克己先生
Founder & Partner, McManis Faulkner
McManis Faulkner律师事务所创始人与合伙人

Dr. Hadas Peled

Dr. Hadas Peled | 裴洁思博士
Lecturer, Executive MBA Program & Multidisciplinary (Liberal Arts) Program, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Lecturer, Asian Department, Haifa University, Israel

Mr. Peter C. Su

Mr. Peter C. Su | 苏宗亮先生
Co-Founder, Radlo & Su
General Counsel & Chief Intellectual Property Officer, Moley Robotics
Radlo & Su联合创始人
Moley Robotics总法律顾问与首席知识产权官

Mr. Robert Woll

Mr. Robert Woll | 吴柏先生
Private Investor & Legal Advisor to Multiple Tech Start-Ups Including WeStyle Inc.
Former Partner of Major Global Law Firms
WeStyle Inc.等多家科技初创企业的私人投资者和法律顾问

Mr. YAN Hao

Mr. YAN Hao | 严浩先生
Managing Partner, JunZeJun Law Offices