Camila Elyse Katz
Strongly interested in the intersection of technology, finance, and policy between China and the United States, Camila Katz currently works in Morgan Stanley’s Global Technology Investment Banking Group. Previously, she conducted Internet policy research with the Tencent Research Institute in Shenzhen and implemented global sustainability programs at the Joint U.S.-China Collaboration for Clean Energy (JUCCCE) in Shanghai. She was a recipient of the U.S. Department of State’s National Security Language Initiative scholarship, with which she was able to spend a year studying Chinese at Beijing No. 80 High School.
Ms. Katz graduated Tau Beta Pi (a national engineering honor society) from Stanford University with a M.S. and B.S. in Management Science and Engineering and a minor in East Asian Studies focusing on China. At Stanford, she conducted research on entrepreneurship in China and was a teaching assistant in management and entrepreneurship courses. She maintained leadership positions in the Forum for American and Chinese Exchange at Stanford (FACES) and worked as Assistant Managing Editor for the China Guiding Cases Project of Stanford Law School.
孔晶晶(Camila Elyse Katz)对中美之间的科技、金融和政策的交叉特别感兴趣。她目前就职于摩根士丹利全球技术投资银行部。此前,她在深圳为腾讯研究院进行互联网政策研究,并在上海的聚思(JUCCCE)推行全球可持续性项目。她获得美国国务院“国家安全语言倡议”奖学金于北京八十中学学习中文一年 。
孔晶晶以Tau Beta Pi(国家工程荣誉学会)的荣誉毕业于斯坦福大学,取得管理科学与工程专业的硕士和学士学位,并且辅修以中国为重点的东亚研究。在斯坦福大学,她进行了在中国创业的研究,并担任管理和创业课程的助教。她在斯坦福大学中美交流论坛(FACES)担任领导职务,并担任斯坦福法学院中国指导性案例项目的助理执行编辑。