The Global South’s Technological Initiatives

The past weeks have seen opportunities for the Global South to amass the capital and human capital needed for technological initiatives that can help address agricultural and environmental challenges facing this formerly marginalized part of the world. In this article published by The Rio Times (one of the largest English-language newspapers in Latin America) on September 4, 2023, Dr. Mei Gechlik, Founder and CEO of SINOTALKS®, discusses these opportunities and explains what India and China can do to help the Global South grasp these opportunities firmly.
过去几周出现了一些机会,能让全球南方积累技术举措所需的资本和人力资本,以帮助解决这个以前被边缘化的地区所面临的农业和环境挑战。丝络谈™创始人、首席执行官熊美英博士在《里约时报》(拉丁美洲最大的英文报纸之一)于 2023 年 9 月 4 日发表的文章中讨论了这些机会,并解释了印度和中国可以做什么来帮助全球南方牢牢抓住这些机会。