Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence


On January 9, 2024, Dr. Mei Gechlik, Founder & CEO of SINOTALKS®, participated in a seminar titled “Artificial Intelligence Regulation: A Global Landscape”.  Moderated by Baloko Makala, the event featured other panelists, including Alessio Azutti (discussing “AI Regulation in the European Union”), Merve Hickok (discussing “AI Regulation in the United States”), and Mohamed El Bashir (sharing his thoughts about pathways towards AI regulation in developing countries).  Dr. Gechlik gave a talk regarding China’s regulation of AI.  A summary of her talk is available here.

2024年1月9日,丝络谈™创始人兼首席执行官熊美英博士参加了题为“人工智能规管:全球格局”的研讨会。该活动由 Baloko Makala 主持,其他发言人包括 Alessio Azutti(讨论欧盟的人工智能规管)、Merve Hickok(讨论美国的人工智能规管)和 Mohamed El Bashir(分享他对发展中国家人工智能规管之路的想法)。熊博士做了关于中国人工智能规管的演讲。 她的演讲摘要可在此处查看

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