SINOTALKS’s Editorial Caught Global Attention & “Moon Diplomacy”


SINOTALKS’s Editorial Caught Global Attention & “Moon Diplomacy”
Image: Marina Shemesh, Single Black Olive (

SINOTALKS’s editorial titled The Moon, Artificial Intelligence, & U.S.-China Relations has been well-received.

On June 28, 2024, China Daily interviewed Dr. Mei Gechlik, Founder and CEO of SINOTALKS®.  She encouraged China to invite scientists from different countries, including the United States, to study lunar samples recently brought back from the Moon’s far side.  Dr. Gechlik was quoted: “The determination of U.S. scientists to stay competitive in lunar exploration may prompt them to urge U.S. authorities to accept China’s olive branch. […] If this occurs, a new era of ‘moon diplomacy’ will begin.”

This interview has also been shared by Space Daily, “a premier destination for space industry news”.


2024 年 6 月 28 日,《中国日报》专访了丝络谈™创始人兼首席执行官熊美英博士。她鼓励中国邀请包括美国在内的不同国家的科学家研究最近从月球背面带回的月球样本。熊美英博士说:“美国科学家决心在月球探索中保持竞争力,这可能会促使他们敦促美国当局接受中国的橄榄枝。[…] 如果发生这种情况,‘月球外交’的新时代将开始。”
