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SINOTALKS® is committed to building a repository of knowledge about Chinese law and policy to benefit our global audience. Our goal is to promote understanding and international collaboration because we firmly believe that our world is facing difficult and complex issues and finding the way forward requires joint efforts contributed by all stakeholders. As a private entity, we are able to stay truly impartial and independent so that we can focus on spotlighting the issues involved in complex topics like artificial intelligence, intellectual property rights, global food insecurity and health crises, and international economic relations. If you value our mission, please consider becoming our sponsor. For more details, contact Dr. Mei Gechlik, Founder, CEO, & Editor-in-Chief of SINOTALKS®, at mgechlik@sinotalks.com.

丝络谈™致力建立一个中国法律和政策知识库,造福全球读者。我们的目标是促进了解和国际合作,因为我们坚信,我们的世界面临着困难和复杂的问题,要找到出路需要所有利益相关者的共同努力。作为一个私营团体,我们能够保持真正的公正和独立,让我们能专心关注涉及复杂主题的问题,例如人工智能、知识产权、全球粮食不安全和健康危机,以及国际经济关系。如果您重视我们的使命,请考虑成为我们的赞助方。欲知更多详情,请通过 mgechlik@sinotalks.com联系丝络谈™创始人、首席执行官兼总编辑熊美英博士

Donations from individuals are also greatly appreciated.

Recognition & Special Mentions | 认可与特别提及

Honored Listee (Marquis Who’s Who®; published since 1899)
Bridging Information Gaps Sees Benefits (China Daily)
Most Trusted Law & Policy Information Provider (The Enterprise World)
20 Most Inspiring Women Leaders 2022 (The Women Leaders)