
Images: Jennifer Olschefski, Fractal Tech Disc Background; Circe Denyer, IV Needle; icon0 com, Green Rice Farm; Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Chatting And Using Emoji (

丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》已有近 1,100 名订阅者。本期内容涵盖中国的科技投资、非洲的稻米生产、所罗门群岛的医疗保健以及表情符号的使用。Read more


Images: Jennifer Olschefski, Fractal Tech Disc Background; Circe Denyer, IV Needle; icon0 com, Green Rice Farm; Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Chatting And Using Emoji (

SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, has nearly 1,100 subscribers. This issue covers tech investments in China, rice production in Africa, health care in the Soloman Islands, and the use of emojis.Read more

Guiding Case 196

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Contract Signature,

2022年12月,中国最高人民法院发布了指导性案例196号,为主合同未成立的仲裁条款的效力提供了重要指导原则。这些原则将对法律实践产生很大的影响。Read more

Guiding Case 196

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Contract Signature,

In December 2022, the Supreme People’s Court of China released Guiding Case No. 196 to provide significant guiding principles regarding the validity of an arbitration clause even though the contract that contains the clause has not been formed. These principles will have a considerable impact on legal practice.Read more