
Images: Jennifer Olschefski, Fractal Tech Disc Background; Circe Denyer, IV Needle; icon0 com, Green Rice Farm; Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Chatting And Using Emoji (

丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》已有近 1,100 名订阅者。本期内容涵盖中国的科技投资、非洲的稻米生产、所罗门群岛的医疗保健以及表情符号的使用。Read more


Images: Jennifer Olschefski, Fractal Tech Disc Background; Circe Denyer, IV Needle; icon0 com, Green Rice Farm; Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Chatting And Using Emoji (

SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, has nearly 1,100 subscribers. This issue covers tech investments in China, rice production in Africa, health care in the Soloman Islands, and the use of emojis.Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper,

根据预测,2031年全球法律服务市场规模将增长至13,116.3亿美元,其中增长最快的地区为南美、中东、非洲和东欧,而这些地区的年复合增长率都在 11.1% 至 8.9% 之间。这些预测对中国的律师和法治发展带来什么启示?Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper,

The global legal services market has been predicted to grow to USD 1,311.63 billion by 2031, with the fastest-growing regions being South America, the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe and it is estimated that their compound annual growth rates will range from 11.1% to 8.9%. What are the implications of these predictions for lawyers and rule-of-law developments in China?Read more

Guiding Case No. 196: Supreme People’s Court Adopts a Liberal Approach to Arbitration While Leaving Room for Unexplored Situations

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Science And Technology,

指导案例196号判定,根据中国法,仲裁协议可以独立执行,即使协议双方有意让协议成为更大合同的一部分,而该合同从未完全成立。通过对指导案例196号和美国法作出的比较,Tyler Atkinson(艾泰乐)解释了为什么该案例显示出中国法可以说是比美国法更有利于仲裁,而美国本身就已经强烈地偏重仲裁。他还分享了实用见解,指出受指导案例196号影响的公司应采取哪些措施来避免被迫进入仲裁的风险。Read more

Guiding Case No. 196: Supreme People’s Court Adopts a Liberal Approach to Arbitration While Leaving Room for Unexplored Situations

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Science And Technology,

Guiding Case No. 196 (“GC196”) holds that, under Chinese law, an agreement to arbitrate is independently enforceable, even if the agreement was intended to be part of a larger contract that never fully formed. Through a comparison of GC196 with U.S. law, Tyler Atkinson explains why GC196 shows that Chinese law is arguably more favorable to arbitration than the law of the United States, a jurisdiction that, itself, strongly favors arbitration. He also shares practical insights about what companies affected by GC196 should do to avoid the risk of being forced into arbitration.Read more

In Brief

Images: Peter Griffin, Bullet Train, &
Victoria Borodinova, Bedouin, Desert, Caravan, Camels,

早在人工智能聊天机器人出现之前,中国就优先发展人工智能,促使开创性立法的颁布,推动外商投资。运用类似的长期规划技巧,中国多年前就开始重振古丝绸之路东端西安的辉煌。采取的举措包括提高了该市解决法律纠纷的能力,以处理“一带一路”倡议所引起的法律纠纷。西安最近举办了中国–中亚峰会,这标志着该市有潜力再次促进该地区的经济发展。这些成就是相当了不起的。中国是如何走到这一步的,并且这可能会通向何方?Read more

In Brief

Images: Peter Griffin, Bullet Train, &
Victoria Borodinova, Bedouin, Desert, Caravan, Camels,

Long before the emergence of AI chatbots, China had already prioritized the development of AI, resulting in the promulgation of pioneering legislation to boost foreign investment. Applying similar long-term planning skills, China began years ago to revive the glory of Xi’an, the eastern terminus of the ancient Silk Road, by enhancing the city’s capacity to resolve legal disputes arising from China’s current Belt and Road Initiative. Xi’an’s recent hosting of the China–Central Asia Summit has signaled the city’s potential to facilitate again the economic development in this region. These achievements are quite remarkable. How did China get here and where will this likely lead to? Read more

Guiding Case 196

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Contract Signature,

2022年12月,中国最高人民法院发布了指导性案例196号,为主合同未成立的仲裁条款的效力提供了重要指导原则。这些原则将对法律实践产生很大的影响。Read more

Guiding Case 196

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Contract Signature,

In December 2022, the Supreme People’s Court of China released Guiding Case No. 196 to provide significant guiding principles regarding the validity of an arbitration clause even though the contract that contains the clause has not been formed. These principles will have a considerable impact on legal practice.Read more

In Brief

Image: chaythawin/

尽管中国面临各种经济挑战,但该国的跨境电子商务仍然快速增长。然而,这种增长的种子并不是为了应对新冠病毒疫情的经济困境而无规律地播下的。寻求全球销售的企业若能了解中国跨境电子商务如何获得政府的支持,并明白有哪些最新措施来解决相关争议,将会有助其抓住潜在利润丰厚的机会。Read more

In Brief

Image: chaythawin/

Despite various economic challenges facing China, the country’s cross-border e-commerce stands out to show rapid growth. The seeds of this growth were, however, not planted erratically as a response to economic woes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding how this type of commerce has gained governmental support and what latest measures have been taken to resolve related disputes helps businesses seeking to sell globally seize potentially lucrative opportunities.Read more

In Brief

Image: sabthai/

China’s release of a Typical Case showcasing how courts in Shanghai recognized and enforced a foreign arbitral award by a special reading of the factual situation involved may help instill more confidence in foreign parties amid China’s efforts to revive its economy. How was this breakthrough ruling made? What are the implications of the ruling?Read more

Guiding Case 109

Image: Kevin Casper, San Jose Costa Rica,

2019 年 2 月,中国最高人民法院发布了指导案例109 号和另外五个指导性案例,以说明中国法院如何处理与该国“一带一路”倡议相关的问题。指导案例 109 号具体展示了最高人民法院如何坚守法律规则和原则来保护独立保函“见索即付”的制度价值。Read more

Guiding Case 109

Image: Kevin Casper, San Jose Costa Rica,

In February 2019, the Supreme People’s Court of China released Guiding Case No. 109 and five other Guiding Cases to illustrate how Chinese courts handled issues related to the country’s Belt and Road Initiative.  Guiding Case No. 109 specifically shows the Supreme People’s Court’s firm adherence to legal rules and principles that protect the value of the “payment on demand” system of independent guarantees.Read more