China & South Korea
Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/
In early 2022 (a special year that marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China–South Korea diplomatic relations), China released a Typical Case to highlight the country’s recognition and enforcement of a South Korean judgment. Why now? What messages does this send to courts inside and outside China?Read more
这篇文章描述了2015年与“一带一路”倡议相关的典型案例的发布如何最终促使熊美英博士于2018年在中国政府举办的一个国际论坛上提出建议[…]。Read more
China’s Belt and Road Initiative & Legal Reform
This piece describes how the release of Typical Cases related to China’s Belt and Road Initiative in 2015 ultimately led Dr. Mei Gechlik to make a suggestion at a 2018 international forum organized by the Chinese government […].Read more