China’s Education and Africa-East Asia Relations

Images: Linnaea Mallette, Graduation Cap;
Dawn Hudson, Silver Map (

国家主席习近平最近提出了未来三年中国与非洲合作实施的十大伙伴行动。这些行动以推进现代化为重点,有望激励非洲年轻人到中国接受大学教育,获取相关知识和技能,并且建立强大的中非网络。一项研究所揭示的趋势表明,在中国深造可能会为非洲年轻人带来更多收获:他们与中国日益壮大的东亚学生群体的互动将使他们做好充分准备,成为非洲和东亚之间有效的中介,因为东亚正积极寻求挖掘非洲的巨大潜力。Read more

China’s Education and Africa-East Asia Relations

Images: Linnaea Mallette, Graduation Cap;
Dawn Hudson, Silver Map (

President XI Jinping recently outlined ten partnership actions for China and Africa to jointly take in the next three years. Focusing on advancing modernization, these actions will likely motivate young Africans to pursue education in China to acquire related knowledge and skills and to build strong China-Africa networks. Trends revealed by a recent study suggest that furthering education in China may produce additional results for young Africans: their interactions with growing East Asian student communities in China will also prepare them well to become effective intermediaries between Africa and East Asia, as the latter actively seeks to tap into Africa’s tremendous potential.Read more