DeepSeek, AI Agriculture, and China’s Zhejiang Province

Image: Piotr Siedlecki, Rays of Vegetables (

甲骨文联合创始人拉里·埃里森一直努力通过其创业公司Sensei Farms,以人工智能应用来改变农业。他多年的努力并没有带来改变,这不禁令人想到其“改善人类的营养并同时保护世界的自然资源”的愿景是否能够实现。中国领导人也有类似的愿景。面对要用有限的耕地来养活该国14 亿人口的艰巨挑战,这些领导人感到有必要把愿景变为现实。为了克服这一挑战,中国领导层制定了发展人工智能农业的雄心勃勃目标,并且指定浙江省——深度求索(DeepSeek)和其他几家重要的人工智能公司的所在地——作为此项工作的先行者。Read more

DeepSeek, AI Agriculture, and China’s Zhejiang Province

Image: Piotr Siedlecki, Rays of Vegetables (

Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison’s struggle to transform agriculture with AI applications through his venture Sensei Farms may prompt one to wonder whether his vision to “improve human nutrition while preserving the world’s natural resources” can be realized. Chinese leaders share a similar vision. They feel compelled to turn this idea into reality because of the formidable challenge posed by the need to feed the country’s 1.4 billion people with the limited arable land available. To overcome this challenge, the Chinese leadership has set ambitious goals to develop agriculture utilizing AI and has designated Zhejiang Province—home to DeepSeek and a few other key AI companies—to lead the endeavor.Read more

Bolstering High-Tech Development: China’s “Supply” and “Demand” Solutions

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Got Talent, Skill, Assessment (

深度求索(DeepSeek)的异军突起,让世界意识到了中国的高科技实力。未来几年,中国将会继续加大力度,提升这些能力,培育高科技产业的发展。为此,中国需要确保高科技人才的持续供应,以及该国民众对高科技产品的强烈需求,但部分民众有限的数字和科学素养可能会削弱这种需求。针对这些问题,中国最近推出了新措施。Read more

Bolstering High-Tech Development: China’s “Supply” and “Demand” Solutions

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Got Talent, Skill, Assessment (

The sudden emergence of DeepSeek has awakened the world to China’s high-tech capabilities. In the coming years, the country is expected to continue strengthening its efforts to increase such capabilities and nurture the development of its high-tech industries. To this end, China needs to ensure a continuous supply of high-tech talent and a strong demand for high-tech products from its population, which includes segments with limited digital and scientific literacy that may have the opposite effect, i.e., weakening such demand. To address these needs, China recently introduced certain measures.Read more