Hong Kong’s Land Leases & Asia’s Prosperity and Stability

Images: Jean Beaufort, Travel Poster;
Yinan Chen, Hong Kong City Buildings (Publicdomainpictures.net)

7月初,香港一项新法例将这座前英国管治的城市近400份的土地租契续期50年,这些租契的有效期因而跨越2047年6月30日——一个关键日期,因其标志着香港自1997年回归中国以来所实行经北京批准的治理体系可能终结。更多的土地租契将以同样的方式续期。如果此具有广泛影响的租契续期问题得到妥善处理,北京将能够为香港乃至亚洲的繁荣与稳定做出重大贡献。Read more

Hong Kong’s Land Leases & Asia’s Prosperity and Stability

Images: Jean Beaufort, Travel Poster;
Yinan Chen, Hong Kong City Buildings (Publicdomainpictures.net)

In early July, a new Hong Kong law extended nearly 400 land leases in the formerly British-governed city for another 50 years, making the leases go beyond June 30, 2047—the critical date marking the potential expiry of the Beijing-approved governance system operating in the city since its handover to China in 1997. More leases are expected to be extended in the same manner. If the extension of these leases—which has broad implications—is handled well, Beijing will be able to significantly contribute to the prosperity and stability of not only Hong Kong, but also Asia.Read more