Lunar Time and the BRICS’s Space Ambitions

Image: Victoria Borodinova, Planet, Solar System, Comet, Space, Sky (

中美两国为制定标准月球时间而展开的竞赛引起了全球关注。然而,将月球时间标准化只是第一步。真正的竞赛在于,美国或中国制定的时间能否有效应用于其他国家可从中获益的太空行动。如果其他国家看到成果,这将确保他们持续认可应用于让其受益的太空行动的月球时间。只有得到如此坚实的支持,被认可的月球时间才会成为盛行的标准。中国最近推出了一项分三阶段进行的计划,将该国的计时系统应用于一系列月球行动。凭借其太空领域的雄心,不断壮大的金砖国家或许能够帮助中国实现其三阶段计划并分享该计划的成功果实。当这种情况发生时,中国的月球时间就有很大机会占上风了。Read more

Lunar Time and the BRICS’s Space Ambitions

Image: Victoria Borodinova, Planet, Solar System, Comet, Space, Sky (

The U.S.-China race to set a standard lunar time has captured global attention. Standardizing lunar time is, however, only the first step. The real race lies in whether any time set by the United States or China can be applied effectively to space operations from which other countries can benefit. If other countries see results, this will ensure their sustained endorsement of the lunar time used in the operations benefiting them. Only with such solid support will the endorsed lunar time become the prevailing standard. China recently rolled out a three-stage plan to apply its timing system to a series of lunar operations. With its space ambitions, the expanding BRICS may be able to help China bring its three-stage plan to fruition and share the fruits of such success. When this happens, China’s lunar time has a good chance to prevail.Read more