In Brief

Image: elwynn/

Since late 2021, China has been pushing the development of the Metaverse and expressing its keen interest in joining the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, which was signed by Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore in June 2020. These efforts and their latest developments, together with President XI Jinping’s current visit to Central Asia, help show China’s strategic preparations for the future.Read more

In Brief

Image: posteriori/

《数据出境安全评估办法》(“《办法》”)自9月1日起实施,预计将引发一系列由国家互联网信息办公室(“网信办”)进行的安全评估。任何“数据处理者”计划将其在中国境内收集和产生的“重要数据”出境到其他国家,都必须通过网信办的安全评估。如果未能通过安全评估,数据处理者是否可以在法庭上质疑网信办的决定?Read more

In Brief

Image: posteriori/

The coming into effect of the Measures for the Security Assessment of Outbound Data Transfers (the “Measures”) on September 1 is expected to trigger a series of security assessments conducted by the Cyberspace Administration of China (the “CAC”). Any “data processor” planning to transfer to another country “important data” collected and generated inside China is required to pass the CAC’s security assessment. If the CAC decides against the data processor, can the CAC’s decision be challenged in court? Read more