China’s Promotion of Case-Based Legal Reasoning in the BRICS

Images: George Hodan, Judge Gavel;
Maliz Ong, Black and White Brick Wall (

2018年,我与两位作者合著了一篇题为《案例文化在中国内外的传播》。我们分析了当时中国最高人民法院已发布的 96 个指导性案例(即:事实上具有约束力的案例)是如何在全国各地法院判决的 1,281 起后续案件中被引用的。我们得出了此结论:“指导性案例的初步成功似乎为中国案例文化的传播提供了肥沃的土壤,而鉴于中国渴望增加其在世界各地的影响,中国案例文化可能有机会在其他地方传播。6月中旬,一个机会出现了,让中国可以在金砖国家推广以案例为基础的法律推理文化。Read more

China’s Promotion of Case-Based Legal Reasoning in the BRICS

Images: George Hodan, Judge Gavel;
Maliz Ong, Black and White Brick Wall (

In 2018, I co-authored an article titled Propagation of a Case Culture in China and Potentially Beyond.  Based on an analysis of how 96 Guiding Cases, de facto binding cases released by China’s Supreme People’s Court available at the time, had been referenced in 1,281 subsequent cases decided by courts across the country, my co-authors and I drew this conclusion: “the preliminary success of [Guiding Cases] seems to have provided fertile ground for the propagation of a case culture in China and, given the country’s eagerness to increase its presence around the world, this culture may have a chance to be propagated elsewhere.”  Just such an opportunity for China to propagate a culture of applying case-based legal reasoning in the BRICS arose in mid-June.Read more