Musk, Space Technology, and U.S.-China Relations

Image: O Sulvia, Futuristic Space Ship (

今年 7 月,中国成功从月球背面取回月球样本后,丝络谈™创始人兼首席执行官熊美英博士立即鼓励中国邀请包括美国在内的不同国家的科学家研究这些样本。据路透社报道,目前一些美国大学正在为开展此类中美联合研究做出努力。此潜在的中美太空合作是否会为埃隆·马斯克打开一扇大门,让他能利用其与北京和候任总统唐纳德·特朗普的关系,为美国投资中国太空相关产业创造双赢的机会?哪些类型的太空相关投资有可能通过中国和美国的严格监管审查?未来几个月中国在太空相关投资方面的“愿望清单”将如何演变,以及美国的相应反应,将有助于回答这些问题。Read more

Musk, Space Technology, and U.S.-China Relations

Image: O Sulvia, Futuristic Space Ship (

In July, immediately after China successfully retrieved lunar samples from the far side of the Moon, Dr. Mei Gechlik, Founder and CEO of SINOTALKS®, encouraged China to invite scientists from different countries, including the United States, to study these samples. According to Reuters, a few U.S. universities are now contributing their efforts to make such U.S.-China joint studies possible. Will this potential U.S.-China space collaboration open a door for Elon Musk to leverage his connections with Beijing and President-elect Donald Trump to create win-win opportunities for U.S. investment in China’s space-related industries? What types of space-related investments will likely survive rigorous regulatory reviews in China and the United States? The way in which China’s “wish list” for space-related investments evolves over the coming months, along with corresponding U.S. reactions, will help answer these questions.Read more