In Brief

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Apartment Building Pattern (

How courts in China handle cases involving struggling real estate developers will affect foreign investors’ confidence in the entire Chinese market. The Supreme People’s Court recently highlighted the enforcement of a series of cases involving a real estate developer. These cases provide indications illuminating how courts in China are expected to follow suit to achieve “good political, social, and legal effects”.Read more


Images: George Hodan, Nuclear Sign; Theodore Palser, Electric Hexagon Background; Liliane Souza, City of Rio De Janeiro; Fran Hogan, Banana Delivery Truck (

丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》的本期内容涵盖中国新出台的《外国国家豁免法》、全球南方的技术举措,以及中国与巴西和中美洲国家的关系。Read more


Images: George Hodan, Nuclear Sign; Theodore Palser, Electric Hexagon Background; Liliane Souza, City of Rio De Janeiro; Fran Hogan, Banana Delivery Truck (

This issue of SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, covers China’s new Foreign State Immunity Law, the Global South’s technological initiatives, and China’s relations with Brazil and Central American Countries.Read more

In Brief

Images: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper; icon0 com, China Flag Themes Idea (

民营企业与中国国有企业或政府机关打官司是否有机会胜诉?中国最高人民法院显然是尝试增强人们对中国市场的信心,故通过公布两起案例以表示该问题的答案是肯定的。这两个案例所体现的对民营企业的积极对待是否会成为一种常态?Read more

In Brief

Images: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper; icon0 com, China Flag Themes Idea (

Is there any chance for a private enterprise to win a lawsuit against a state-owned enterprise or a government agency in China? In an apparent attempt to boost confidence in the Chinese market, the Supreme People’s Court of China has signaled an affirmative answer to this question by releasing two court cases. Will the positive treatment of private enterprises, as demonstrated in these two cases, become a norm?Read more


Images: Jennifer Olschefski, Fractal Tech Disc Background; Circe Denyer, IV Needle; icon0 com, Green Rice Farm; Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Chatting And Using Emoji (

丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》已有近 1,100 名订阅者。本期内容涵盖中国的科技投资、非洲的稻米生产、所罗门群岛的医疗保健以及表情符号的使用。Read more


Images: Jennifer Olschefski, Fractal Tech Disc Background; Circe Denyer, IV Needle; icon0 com, Green Rice Farm; Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Chatting And Using Emoji (

SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, has nearly 1,100 subscribers. This issue covers tech investments in China, rice production in Africa, health care in the Soloman Islands, and the use of emojis.Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Business,

中国领导层最近发布了一份文件,再次肯定民营企业的价值,并敦促采取行动,帮助解决民营企业面临的一系列问题。这是否会引发新一轮创业浪潮,就如早期创业浪潮催生了腾讯等知名公司一样,取得成功?Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Business,

The Chinese leadership just released a document to reaffirm the value of private enterprises and to urge the implementation of actions that will help address a wide range of problems facing these enterprises. Will this lead to a new wave of entrepreneurship mirroring the success of earlier waves that gave rise to well-known companies such as Tencent?Read more

International Symposium on “Rule of Law Safeguards for Optimizing Business Environment”

In June 2023, Dr. Mei Gechlik served as a keynote speaker at the International Symposium on “Rule of Law Safeguards for Optimizing Business Environment” held by the School of Humanities and Law, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University.

2023年6月,熊美英博士在浙江农林大学文法学院举办的“优化营商环境的法治保障”国际研讨会上作出主旨报告。Read more

A Speaking Tour in China

In June 2023, Dr. Mei Gechlik, Founder and CEO of SINOTALKS®, had a speaking tour in China to share her thoughts about how to strengthen China’s “soft connectivity” with the world.

2023年6月,丝络谈™创始人兼首席执行官熊美英博士到中国演讲,分享了她对如何加强中国与世界的“软联通”的想法。Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper,

根据预测,2031年全球法律服务市场规模将增长至13,116.3亿美元,其中增长最快的地区为南美、中东、非洲和东欧,而这些地区的年复合增长率都在 11.1% 至 8.9% 之间。这些预测对中国的律师和法治发展带来什么启示?Read more