China’s NEW Law on Foreign State Immunity and Related U.S. Experiences

Image: Gerd Altmann, Judge Gavel (

中国颁布《外国国家豁免法》,标志着中国从容许外国国家在中国法院享有“绝对豁免”正式过渡到将豁免限制于某些类型的诉讼。这种过渡与美国(体现于1976 年《外国主权豁免法》)所采用的做法一致。然而,通过比较中国《外国国家豁免法》和美国《外国主权豁免法》以及美国的相关法理(见小约翰·M·沃克(John M. Walker Jr.)巡回法官通过丝络谈™所发表的文章),可以发现两国做法之间的关键差异。Read more

China’s NEW Law on Foreign State Immunity and Related U.S. Experiences

Image: Gerd Altmann, Judge Gavel (

China’s enactment of the Foreign State Immunity Law marks the country’s formal transition from affording foreign states “absolute immunity” in Chinese courts to restricting the immunity to certain types of lawsuits. This transition is in line with the approach used in the United States, as codified in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”). However, a comparison between China’s Foreign State Immunity Law and the FSIA and related U.S. jurisprudence——as discussed by Circuit Judge John M. Walker Jr. in an article published by SINOTALKS®——reveals key differences between the two countries’ approaches.Read more

How a Trademark Case Helps Illuminate China’s NEW Patent Rules

Image: Anthony Nava, Blue, Red, and Green Gears (

中国从2月5日起降低所有银行的存款准备金率的措施会让更多现金注入银行体系,从而有助于重振经济。另一项可能有助于改善中国经济但似乎很少引起法律界以外的关注的措施是中国发布了新修订的专利法实施细则。如果有效实施,这些新修订的规则有可能加强中国的专利保护机制,使中国对外国投资者而言更具吸引力。Read more

How a Trademark Case Helps Illuminate China’s NEW Patent Rules

Image: Anthony Nava, Blue, Red, and Green Gears (

China’s reduction of the reserve requirement ratio for all banks beginning from February 5 is expected to help revive the economy by injecting more cash into the banking system. Another measure that is likely to help improve China’s economy but seems to have drawn little attention outside the legal community is the release of a set of revised rules to implement China’s Patent Law. If applied effectively, these revised rules have the potential to strengthen China’s patent protection mechanism, making the country more appealing to foreign investors.Read more

China’s “One Website, Two Databases” Approach to Judicial Transparency, Reform, & Consistency

Image: Gerd Altmann, Seek (

为了缓解人们对一个发布了大量中国裁判文书的网站的未来的担忧,最高人民法院最近采取了不同寻常的举措,不仅确认该网站继续运行,还宣布建立两个新的数据库。借助这两个数据库,中国法院将能够制定数据驱动的司法改革措施,并提高司法一致性。两个数据库弥补了上述网站的不足,但值得注意的是,该网站作为维护司法透明不可或缺的平台,在提升两个数据库价值方面发挥着独特的作用。Read more

China’s “One Website, Two Databases” Approach to Judicial Transparency, Reform, & Consistency

Image: Gerd Altmann, Seek (

To alleviate growing concerns about the future of a key website used by Chinese courts to publish millions of judgments, the Supreme People’s Court took an unusual step recently not only to confirm the continued operation of the website, but also to announce the establishment of two new databases. With the two databases, the Chinese judiciary will be able to formulate data-driven judicial reform measures and increase judicial consistency. While the databases help address deficiencies of the website, it is worth noting that the website—an indispensable platform to safeguard judicial transparency—plays a unique role in enhancing the value of these databases.Read more

In Brief

Image: Gerd Altmann, Binary Thinking (

上周五我向访问华盛顿特区的中国律师代表团发表关于人工智能法律工具的演讲。OpenAI近日的戏剧性变化让此预先计划好的演讲出乎意料地及时。OpenAI对首席执行官山姆·阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)的解雇和重新聘用引发了大家深入讨论这些工具所带来的机会和担忧。就中国而言,中国领导层可能会得出这样的结论:这些工具带来的机会大于担忧,并会采取一些可以直接帮助开发更可靠的人工智能法律工具的措施,而这些措施可间接为该国带来有效的法律改革。Read more

In Brief

Image: Gerd Altmann, Binary Thinking (

The OpenAI drama made my preplanned talk on AI legal tools delivered last Friday to a delegation of Chinese lawyers visiting Washington D.C. unexpectedly timely. The firing and re-hiring of CEO Sam Altman inspired in-depth discussions of opportunities and concerns related to these tools. In the case of China, the Chinese leadership may come to the conclusion that the opportunities presented by these tools outweigh the concerns and move to take steps that can directly help develop more reliable AI legal tools and indirectly bring about effective legal reforms in the country.Read more

In Brief

Image: Circe Denyer, Cargo Ship On A River Passageway (

中国国家主席习近平在不久前举行的“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛上发表讲话时强调,要“谨记人民期盼”。他还宣布了中国将采取八项行动来支持“一带一路”倡议的“高质量”发展。合作伙伴国人民对“一带一路”倡议有何期盼?中国宣布的八项行动是否有潜力很好地契合这些期盼?Read more

In Brief

Image: Circe Denyer, Cargo Ship On A River Passageway (

In his speech delivered at the recent Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, Chinese President XI Jinping emphasized the need to “keep in mind the people’s expectations”. He also announced eight actions that China will take to support the “high-quality” development of the Belt and Road Initiative (“BRI”). What expectations do people in BRI partner countries have for the initiative? Do the eight actions announced by China have the potential to align well with these expectations?Read more

In Brief

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Apartment Building Pattern (

中国法院如何处理涉及陷入困境的房地产开发商的案件会影响外国投资者对整个中国市场的信心。最高人民法院近日重点介绍了涉及一家房地产开发商的系列案件的执行工作。这些案件透出的迹象说明了中国法院被寄予期望,效仿这些案件的执行方式,以取得“很好的政治效果、社会效果和法律效果”。Read more

In Brief

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Apartment Building Pattern (

How courts in China handle cases involving struggling real estate developers will affect foreign investors’ confidence in the entire Chinese market. The Supreme People’s Court recently highlighted the enforcement of a series of cases involving a real estate developer. These cases provide indications illuminating how courts in China are expected to follow suit to achieve “good political, social, and legal effects”.Read more

In Brief

Images: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper; icon0 com, China Flag Themes Idea (

民营企业与中国国有企业或政府机关打官司是否有机会胜诉?中国最高人民法院显然是尝试增强人们对中国市场的信心,故通过公布两起案例以表示该问题的答案是肯定的。这两个案例所体现的对民营企业的积极对待是否会成为一种常态?Read more

In Brief

Images: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper; icon0 com, China Flag Themes Idea (

Is there any chance for a private enterprise to win a lawsuit against a state-owned enterprise or a government agency in China? In an apparent attempt to boost confidence in the Chinese market, the Supreme People’s Court of China has signaled an affirmative answer to this question by releasing two court cases. Will the positive treatment of private enterprises, as demonstrated in these two cases, become a norm?Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Business,

中国领导层最近发布了一份文件,再次肯定民营企业的价值,并敦促采取行动,帮助解决民营企业面临的一系列问题。这是否会引发新一轮创业浪潮,就如早期创业浪潮催生了腾讯等知名公司一样,取得成功?Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Business,

The Chinese leadership just released a document to reaffirm the value of private enterprises and to urge the implementation of actions that will help address a wide range of problems facing these enterprises. Will this lead to a new wave of entrepreneurship mirroring the success of earlier waves that gave rise to well-known companies such as Tencent?Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper,

根据预测,2031年全球法律服务市场规模将增长至13,116.3亿美元,其中增长最快的地区为南美、中东、非洲和东欧,而这些地区的年复合增长率都在 11.1% 至 8.9% 之间。这些预测对中国的律师和法治发展带来什么启示?Read more

In Brief

Image: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper,

The global legal services market has been predicted to grow to USD 1,311.63 billion by 2031, with the fastest-growing regions being South America, the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe and it is estimated that their compound annual growth rates will range from 11.1% to 8.9%. What are the implications of these predictions for lawyers and rule-of-law developments in China?Read more

In Brief

Images: Peter Griffin, Bullet Train, &
Victoria Borodinova, Bedouin, Desert, Caravan, Camels,

早在人工智能聊天机器人出现之前,中国就优先发展人工智能,促使开创性立法的颁布,推动外商投资。运用类似的长期规划技巧,中国多年前就开始重振古丝绸之路东端西安的辉煌。采取的举措包括提高了该市解决法律纠纷的能力,以处理“一带一路”倡议所引起的法律纠纷。西安最近举办了中国–中亚峰会,这标志着该市有潜力再次促进该地区的经济发展。这些成就是相当了不起的。中国是如何走到这一步的,并且这可能会通向何方?Read more

In Brief

Images: Peter Griffin, Bullet Train, &
Victoria Borodinova, Bedouin, Desert, Caravan, Camels,

Long before the emergence of AI chatbots, China had already prioritized the development of AI, resulting in the promulgation of pioneering legislation to boost foreign investment. Applying similar long-term planning skills, China began years ago to revive the glory of Xi’an, the eastern terminus of the ancient Silk Road, by enhancing the city’s capacity to resolve legal disputes arising from China’s current Belt and Road Initiative. Xi’an’s recent hosting of the China–Central Asia Summit has signaled the city’s potential to facilitate again the economic development in this region. These achievements are quite remarkable. How did China get here and where will this likely lead to? Read more