DeepSeek, AI Agriculture, and China’s Zhejiang Province

Image: Piotr Siedlecki, Rays of Vegetables (

甲骨文联合创始人拉里·埃里森一直努力通过其创业公司Sensei Farms,以人工智能应用来改变农业。他多年的努力并没有带来改变,这不禁令人想到其“改善人类的营养并同时保护世界的自然资源”的愿景是否能够实现。中国领导人也有类似的愿景。面对要用有限的耕地来养活该国14 亿人口的艰巨挑战,这些领导人感到有必要把愿景变为现实。为了克服这一挑战,中国领导层制定了发展人工智能农业的雄心勃勃目标,并且指定浙江省——深度求索(DeepSeek)和其他几家重要的人工智能公司的所在地——作为此项工作的先行者。Read more

DeepSeek, AI Agriculture, and China’s Zhejiang Province

Image: Piotr Siedlecki, Rays of Vegetables (

Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison’s struggle to transform agriculture with AI applications through his venture Sensei Farms may prompt one to wonder whether his vision to “improve human nutrition while preserving the world’s natural resources” can be realized. Chinese leaders share a similar vision. They feel compelled to turn this idea into reality because of the formidable challenge posed by the need to feed the country’s 1.4 billion people with the limited arable land available. To overcome this challenge, the Chinese leadership has set ambitious goals to develop agriculture utilizing AI and has designated Zhejiang Province—home to DeepSeek and a few other key AI companies—to lead the endeavor.Read more

Bolstering High-Tech Development: China’s “Supply” and “Demand” Solutions

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Got Talent, Skill, Assessment (

深度求索(DeepSeek)的异军突起,让世界意识到了中国的高科技实力。未来几年,中国将会继续加大力度,提升这些能力,培育高科技产业的发展。为此,中国需要确保高科技人才的持续供应,以及该国民众对高科技产品的强烈需求,但部分民众有限的数字和科学素养可能会削弱这种需求。针对这些问题,中国最近推出了新措施。Read more

Bolstering High-Tech Development: China’s “Supply” and “Demand” Solutions

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Got Talent, Skill, Assessment (

The sudden emergence of DeepSeek has awakened the world to China’s high-tech capabilities. In the coming years, the country is expected to continue strengthening its efforts to increase such capabilities and nurture the development of its high-tech industries. To this end, China needs to ensure a continuous supply of high-tech talent and a strong demand for high-tech products from its population, which includes segments with limited digital and scientific literacy that may have the opposite effect, i.e., weakening such demand. To address these needs, China recently introduced certain measures.Read more

China’s Health Care and Foreign Investment

Image: George Hodan, Cardiogram Pulse Trace (

世界卫生组织预测,与2018年相比,2025年中国会有更多人享有更好的健康和福祉,新增的人数将接近3.6亿。为了实现这个目标和其他目标,并应对中国人口结构重大变化带来的医疗保健挑战,中国领导层采取了各种措施,包括允许在九个地方建立外商独资医院。这些措施应该会受欢迎。然而,一个主要问题在于中国是否已准备好修改法律规则,以降低与医疗实践相关的法律风险。这是因为潜在的刑事后果可能会使外国医疗专业人士却步,不愿意在中国执业。Read more

China’s Health Care and Foreign Investment

Image: George Hodan, Cardiogram Pulse Trace (

The World Health Organization has projected that, compared with 2018, nearly 360 million more people in China will enjoy improvements in health and wellbeing in 2025. To meet this target, among others, and to prepare for health care challenges arising from significant demographic changes occurring in China, the Chinese leadership has introduced various measures, including allowing the establishment of wholly foreign-owned hospitals in nine localities. These measures are welcome. However, a major problem lies in whether China is ready to amend legal rules to reduce the legal risks associated with medical practice as potential criminal consequences are likely to deter foreign medical professionals from practicing in China.Read more

China’s Preparations for Challenges from the West

Image: Reddy Dendoktoor, New Year, 2025, Greeting Card (

回顾中国2024年的重要发展,可以发现“金砖国家”和“技术”是今年头条新闻的两个核心主题,因为中国致力于增强抵御西方日益严峻挑战的能力。这些发展在 2025 年会如何演变?它们会把中国引向何方?答案尚不清楚。但可以确定的是,中国在过去一年取得的某些令人瞩目的成就,例如月球探索,将使中国有胆量在2025年做出进一步与西方分道扬镳的选择。西方的政策制定者应该思考,他们的行动是否有助于将中国推向更令人担忧的对手。Read more

China’s Preparations for Challenges from the West

Image: Reddy Dendoktoor, New Year, 2025, Greeting Card (

A review of China’s key developments in 2024 reveals that the “BRICS” and “technology” were two central themes behind this year’s headlines, as the country focuses on strengthening its ability to withstand growing challenges from the West. How will these developments evolve in 2025? Where will they lead China? The answer is not yet clear. What is clear, however, is that certain of the remarkable successes China has achieved this past year, such as its exploration of the Moon, will likely embolden the nation to make choices in 2025 that will cause it to diverge further from the West. Policymakers in the West should ponder whether their actions are serving to push China away and towards adversaries of greater concern.Read more

Musk, Space Technology, and U.S.-China Relations

Image: O Sulvia, Futuristic Space Ship (

今年 7 月,中国成功从月球背面取回月球样本后,丝络谈™创始人兼首席执行官熊美英博士立即鼓励中国邀请包括美国在内的不同国家的科学家研究这些样本。据路透社报道,目前一些美国大学正在为开展此类中美联合研究做出努力。此潜在的中美太空合作是否会为埃隆·马斯克打开一扇大门,让他能利用其与北京和候任总统唐纳德·特朗普的关系,为美国投资中国太空相关产业创造双赢的机会?哪些类型的太空相关投资有可能通过中国和美国的严格监管审查?未来几个月中国在太空相关投资方面的“愿望清单”将如何演变,以及美国的相应反应,将有助于回答这些问题。Read more

Musk, Space Technology, and U.S.-China Relations

Image: O Sulvia, Futuristic Space Ship (

In July, immediately after China successfully retrieved lunar samples from the far side of the Moon, Dr. Mei Gechlik, Founder and CEO of SINOTALKS®, encouraged China to invite scientists from different countries, including the United States, to study these samples. According to Reuters, a few U.S. universities are now contributing their efforts to make such U.S.-China joint studies possible. Will this potential U.S.-China space collaboration open a door for Elon Musk to leverage his connections with Beijing and President-elect Donald Trump to create win-win opportunities for U.S. investment in China’s space-related industries? What types of space-related investments will likely survive rigorous regulatory reviews in China and the United States? The way in which China’s “wish list” for space-related investments evolves over the coming months, along with corresponding U.S. reactions, will help answer these questions.Read more

Lunar Time and the BRICS’s Space Ambitions

Image: Victoria Borodinova, Planet, Solar System, Comet, Space, Sky (

中美两国为制定标准月球时间而展开的竞赛引起了全球关注。然而,将月球时间标准化只是第一步。真正的竞赛在于,美国或中国制定的时间能否有效应用于其他国家可从中获益的太空行动。如果其他国家看到成果,这将确保他们持续认可应用于让其受益的太空行动的月球时间。只有得到如此坚实的支持,被认可的月球时间才会成为盛行的标准。中国最近推出了一项分三阶段进行的计划,将该国的计时系统应用于一系列月球行动。凭借其太空领域的雄心,不断壮大的金砖国家或许能够帮助中国实现其三阶段计划并分享该计划的成功果实。当这种情况发生时,中国的月球时间就有很大机会占上风了。Read more

Lunar Time and the BRICS’s Space Ambitions

Image: Victoria Borodinova, Planet, Solar System, Comet, Space, Sky (

The U.S.-China race to set a standard lunar time has captured global attention. Standardizing lunar time is, however, only the first step. The real race lies in whether any time set by the United States or China can be applied effectively to space operations from which other countries can benefit. If other countries see results, this will ensure their sustained endorsement of the lunar time used in the operations benefiting them. Only with such solid support will the endorsed lunar time become the prevailing standard. China recently rolled out a three-stage plan to apply its timing system to a series of lunar operations. With its space ambitions, the expanding BRICS may be able to help China bring its three-stage plan to fruition and share the fruits of such success. When this happens, China’s lunar time has a good chance to prevail.Read more

China’s Education and Africa-East Asia Relations

Images: Linnaea Mallette, Graduation Cap;
Dawn Hudson, Silver Map (

国家主席习近平最近提出了未来三年中国与非洲合作实施的十大伙伴行动。这些行动以推进现代化为重点,有望激励非洲年轻人到中国接受大学教育,获取相关知识和技能,并且建立强大的中非网络。一项研究所揭示的趋势表明,在中国深造可能会为非洲年轻人带来更多收获:他们与中国日益壮大的东亚学生群体的互动将使他们做好充分准备,成为非洲和东亚之间有效的中介,因为东亚正积极寻求挖掘非洲的巨大潜力。Read more

China’s Education and Africa-East Asia Relations

Images: Linnaea Mallette, Graduation Cap;
Dawn Hudson, Silver Map (

President XI Jinping recently outlined ten partnership actions for China and Africa to jointly take in the next three years. Focusing on advancing modernization, these actions will likely motivate young Africans to pursue education in China to acquire related knowledge and skills and to build strong China-Africa networks. Trends revealed by a recent study suggest that furthering education in China may produce additional results for young Africans: their interactions with growing East Asian student communities in China will also prepare them well to become effective intermediaries between Africa and East Asia, as the latter actively seeks to tap into Africa’s tremendous potential.Read more

The Olympics, Overseas Chinese, & Foreign Laws

Image: Gerd Altmann, Hurry Up (

中国队在2024年夏季奥运会上的出色表现,让许多海外华人对自己的中国根更感兴趣。这可能会使他们对中国带来的机遇更加着迷,尤其是国际货币基金组织已经预测中国2024年的经济增长为5%。此转变应会促使北京加大力度,有效地吸引海外华人参与中国的发展,毕竟北京视海外华人为连接中国与世界的重要桥梁。巧合的是,最高人民法院关于查明域外法的新举措可以帮助实现这一目标。Read more

The Olympics, Overseas Chinese, & Foreign Laws

Image: Gerd Altmann, Hurry Up (

China’s impressive performance during the 2024 Summer Olympics has heightened many overseas Chinese’s interest in their own Chinese roots. This will likely boost their fascination with opportunities emerging from China, whose economy the IMF predicts will grow 5% in 2024. Beijing should, therefore, be motivated to step up its efforts to effectively engage overseas Chinese, who have been perceived by Beijing as important bridges connecting China with the rest of the world. Coincidentally, the Supreme People’s Court’s new initiative regarding the ascertainment of foreign laws can help engage overseas Chinese effectively.Read more

Hong Kong’s Land Leases & Asia’s Prosperity and Stability

Images: Jean Beaufort, Travel Poster;
Yinan Chen, Hong Kong City Buildings (

7月初,香港一项新法例将这座前英国管治的城市近400份的土地租契续期50年,这些租契的有效期因而跨越2047年6月30日——一个关键日期,因其标志着香港自1997年回归中国以来所实行经北京批准的治理体系可能终结。更多的土地租契将以同样的方式续期。如果此具有广泛影响的租契续期问题得到妥善处理,北京将能够为香港乃至亚洲的繁荣与稳定做出重大贡献。Read more

Hong Kong’s Land Leases & Asia’s Prosperity and Stability

Images: Jean Beaufort, Travel Poster;
Yinan Chen, Hong Kong City Buildings (

In early July, a new Hong Kong law extended nearly 400 land leases in the formerly British-governed city for another 50 years, making the leases go beyond June 30, 2047—the critical date marking the potential expiry of the Beijing-approved governance system operating in the city since its handover to China in 1997. More leases are expected to be extended in the same manner. If the extension of these leases—which has broad implications—is handled well, Beijing will be able to significantly contribute to the prosperity and stability of not only Hong Kong, but also Asia.Read more

India’s Election Results & Central China’s “Accelerated Rise”

Images: Gerd Altmann, Colorful India;
Peter Griffin, Afternoon Lunch (

印度总理莫迪领导的印度人民党未能在议会下院获得多数席位,也未能在传统上支持该党的邦维持其受欢迎程度,这一失败的一个重要教训是,印度迫切需要解决经济不平等问题。莫迪总理面临越来越大的压力,他必须在第三任期内向那些尚未从印度进步中受益的人们实现强劲的经济表现。中国也面临着类似的挑战。该国领导层正在推出旨在支持中部地区“加快崛起”的新措施。鉴于印度与中国的竞争日益激烈,中国如何实现这一目标应会引起印度及其盟友的强烈关注。Read more

India’s Election Results & Central China’s “Accelerated Rise”

Images: Gerd Altmann, Colorful India;
Peter Griffin, Afternoon Lunch (

A key lesson from the failure of Prime Minister Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (“BJP”) to secure a majority in the lower house of India’s parliament and to sustain its popularity in traditionally pro-BJP states is the pressing need to solve the issue of economic inequality in India. Mr. Modi faces mounting pressure to deliver during his third term as India’s Prime Minister a strong economic performance to those who have not yet benefited from India’s progress. Similar challenges are being faced by Chinese leaders, who are rolling out new measures aimed at supporting the “accelerated rise” of Central China. Given India’s growing competition with China, how China plans to accomplish this goal should be of significant interest to India and its allies.Read more