Arbitration and China’s Global Business

Image: Linnaea Mallette, Shipping Port (

全球商务对中国的重要性日益增加,故中国有必要表明其承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的决心。自 1987 年以来,中国一直是《纽约公约》的缔约国。该公约要求每个缔约国都确保其法院承认和执行在另一个缔约国作出的仲裁裁决,除非这种承认或执行违反其“公共政策”,或有其他例外情况。由于《纽约公约》没有对“公共政策”作出规定,中国法院如何解释此例外情况直接影响到外国当事人与中国开展业务的信心程度。中国最近发布的一起案例阐明了对此例外情况的解释。Read more

Arbitration and China’s Global Business

Image: Linnaea Mallette, Shipping Port (

The growing importance of global business to China makes it crucial for the country to show its commitment to recognize and enforce foreign arbitral awards. Since 1987, China has been a contracting state of the New York Convention, which requires each contracting state to ensure that its judiciary recognizes and enforces an arbitral award made in another contracting state, unless such recognition or enforcement would be contrary to the contracting state’s “public policy”, among other exceptions. The convention does not interpret the “public policy” exception. How the Chinese judiciary interprets it directly influences foreign parties’ level of confidence in doing business with China. A recent court case in China sheds light on the interpretation of this exception.Read more

Key Talks in 1992, Court Cases in 2024, and “New Quality Productive Forces”

Image: Mikhail Denishchenko, Production Technology (

由习近平主席于 2023 年提出的“新质生产力”一词,具有重大意义,因为中国领导层已确定了相关改革,其中提及不同类型的投资。已故改革派领导人邓小平在 1992 年发表的重要谈话以及中国最近发布的精选案例有助于阐明该词的含义。法院在这些案例中为了支持“新质生产力”的发展而采取的行动,能让投资者更好地评估相关机会。Read more

Key Talks in 1992, Court Cases in 2024, and “New Quality Productive Forces”

Image: Mikhail Denishchenko, Production Technology (

Coined by President XI Jinping in 2023, the term “new quality productive forces” is of great significance because related reforms, with reference to various types of investment, have been identified by the Chinese leadership. Key talks given in 1992 by the late reformist leader DENG Xiaoping and select court cases recently released by China help illuminate the meaning of the term. Actions taken by the courts in these cases to support the development of “new quality productive forces” allow investors to better assess related opportunities.Read more

China’s Third Plenary Session: Implications for Strengthening Deterrence of Accounting Violations

Image: Axelle B, Euros Handshake (

“强化上市公司监管”和“健全投资者保护机制”是2024年7月18日中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议通过且备受期待的决定中提出的众多改革任务之两项任务。虽然中国新修正的《会计法》可能有助于实现这些目标,但一起由最高人民法院判决的案例表明,有需要采取更多措施来有效解决这些问题。Read more

China’s Third Plenary Session: Implications for Strengthening Deterrence of Accounting Violations

Image: Axelle B, Euros Handshake (

“Strengthening the regulation of listed companies” and “improving the mechanism for protecting investors” are among the many reform tasks identified in the widely anticipated decision adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on July 18, 2024. While China’s newly amended Accounting Law may help accomplish these goals, a case decided by the Supreme People’s Court suggests that additional measures are required.Read more

In Brief

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Apartment Building Pattern (

中国法院如何处理涉及陷入困境的房地产开发商的案件会影响外国投资者对整个中国市场的信心。最高人民法院近日重点介绍了涉及一家房地产开发商的系列案件的执行工作。这些案件透出的迹象说明了中国法院被寄予期望,效仿这些案件的执行方式,以取得“很好的政治效果、社会效果和法律效果”。Read more

In Brief

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Apartment Building Pattern (

How courts in China handle cases involving struggling real estate developers will affect foreign investors’ confidence in the entire Chinese market. The Supreme People’s Court recently highlighted the enforcement of a series of cases involving a real estate developer. These cases provide indications illuminating how courts in China are expected to follow suit to achieve “good political, social, and legal effects”.Read more

In Brief

Images: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper; icon0 com, China Flag Themes Idea (

民营企业与中国国有企业或政府机关打官司是否有机会胜诉?中国最高人民法院显然是尝试增强人们对中国市场的信心,故通过公布两起案例以表示该问题的答案是肯定的。这两个案例所体现的对民营企业的积极对待是否会成为一种常态?Read more

In Brief

Images: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper; icon0 com, China Flag Themes Idea (

Is there any chance for a private enterprise to win a lawsuit against a state-owned enterprise or a government agency in China? In an apparent attempt to boost confidence in the Chinese market, the Supreme People’s Court of China has signaled an affirmative answer to this question by releasing two court cases. Will the positive treatment of private enterprises, as demonstrated in these two cases, become a norm?Read more

In Brief

Image: Dawn Hudson, Globe Watercolour,

美国总统拜登最近与中国国家主席习近平的会晤缓和了两国之间日益紧张的局势,让人感到棘手的台湾问题在不久的将来不太可能引发冲突。这一发展符合台湾民众的主流立场。在1994年至2022年进行的调查中,大多数受访者表示希望看到台湾“维持现状再决定”或“永远维持现状”。这向北京领导人发出了什么信号?在此过渡期间可以做什么?Read more

In Brief

Image: Dawn Hudson, Globe Watercolour,

U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent meeting with Chinese President XI Jinping has eased the growing tension between the two countries, giving rise to hope that the difficult Taiwan issue will be unlikely to trigger conflict in the near future. This development is in line with the mainstream stance taken by people in Taiwan. The majority of respondents to surveys conducted from 1994 to 2022 have expressed their wish to see Taiwan (a) maintain the status quo and then decide the future at a later date; or (b) maintain the status quo indefinitely. What does this signal to leaders in Beijing? What can be done in the interim?Read more

In Brief

Image: sabthai/

China’s release of a Typical Case showcasing how courts in Shanghai recognized and enforced a foreign arbitral award by a special reading of the factual situation involved may help instill more confidence in foreign parties amid China’s efforts to revive its economy. How was this breakthrough ruling made? What are the implications of the ruling?Read more

In Brief

Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/

2022年初(中韩建交30周年的特别年份),中国发布一个典型案例,以彰显中国对韩国判决的承认和执行。为什么现在这样做?这向中国境内外的法院传递了哪些信息?Read more

In Brief

Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/

In early 2022 (a special year that marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China–South Korea diplomatic relations), China released a Typical Case to highlight the country’s recognition and enforcement of a South Korean judgment. Why now? What messages does this send to courts inside and outside China?Read more

In Brief

Image: Den Rise/

除了指导性案例,法律从业者、企业高管和其他利益相关者绝不能忘记典型案例。典型案例是另一类中国最高人民法院可以发布的有代表性的案例,以指导中国法院的审判。什么是典型案例?为什么它们很重要?Read more

In Brief

Image: Den Rise/

Apart from China’s Guiding Cases, legal practitioners, business executives, and other stakeholders must not forget about Typical Cases, another category of representative cases that the Supreme People’s Court of China can release to guide Chinese courts’ adjudication. What are Typical Cases? Why are they significant?Read more