
Images: Jean Beaufort, Oil Pump Jack; Joshua Kim, Father and Daughters on Hanoi Street; Circe Denyer, Computer Chip Technology Hardware; Axelle B, Smartphone (

本期丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》涵盖的内容包括:圭亚那的经济和外交实力会如何促使中国更积极地帮助解决委内瑞拉与圭亚那的争端、为什么新加坡最近采取的开创性举措可能有利于中国和越南、德国对其半导体行业的补贴招致了哪些批评、富士康最近在印度的扩张计划到底意味着什么。Read more


Images: Jean Beaufort, Oil Pump Jack; Joshua Kim, Father and Daughters on Hanoi Street; Circe Denyer, Computer Chip Technology Hardware; Axelle B, Smartphone (

This issue of SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, covers how Guyana’s economic and diplomatic might will likely cause China to become more involved in helping settle the Venezuela-Guyana dispute, why a pioneering move recently taken by Singapore could benefit China and Vietnam, what criticisms Germany’s subsidies for its semiconductor industry have drawn, and what Foxconn’s recent expansion plan in India really means.Read more