Xinyue Zhu

Associate Managing Editor of SINOTALKS.COM

Xinyue Zhu is a Project Lawyer at a German law firm, where she focuses on cross-border M&A transactions and general corporate matters.  She is also committed to research on digital currencies and crypto-assets (e.g., topics related to digital RMB of the People’s Bank of China, security token offerings (STOs) in the European Union, etc.).  Previously, she was an Assistant Managing Editor of the China Guiding Cases Project (“CGCP”) at Stanford Law School.  Prior to going to Germany, Ms. Zhu interned at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP in Beijing, Taylor Wessing LLP in Beijing, King & Wood Mallesons in Beijing, Alibaba Group, and two banking institutions. She has also worked as a research assistant at the China Society for World Trade Organization Studies and the UIBE Research Center of Global Value Chains.

Xinyue Zhu has an LL.M. from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main and an LL.B. from the University of International Business and Economics.



朱新玥目前是一家德国律师事务所的项目律师(Project Lawyer),她的主要业务领域为跨境并购交易和一般性公司事务。她亦致力于研究数字货币和加密资产(如,与中国央行数字人民币、欧盟首次代币发行等相关的议题)。此前,她曾任斯坦福大学法学院中国指导性案例项目的助理执行编辑。在赴德之前,朱新玥曾在英国史密夫斐尔事务所(Herbert Smith Freehills LLP)北京代表处、德国泰乐信律师事务所(Taylor Wessing LLP)北京代表处、金杜律师事务所北京办公室、阿里巴巴集团和两家银行机构实习。她曾在中国世界贸易组织研究会、 UIBE全球价值链研究院(UIBE Research Center of Global Value Chains)担任科研助理。
