China’s Courts Give NEW Guidelines on Capital Markets Some Teeth

Image: Gerd Altmann, Business (

The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability is investigating whether the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) is “empowered to ensure meaningful oversight of auditors of [China]-based firms”. The Committee should welcome a document recently released by China’s State Council that aims at improving the country’s capital markets by strengthening information disclosure, among other measures. Interestingly, the Supreme People’s Court of China has taken steps that, if followed consistently by all courts in the country, can empower this document.Read more

China’s Policy for Central Asia: Lessons from Southeast Asia & More

Image: Svetlana Tikhonova, Bukhara, Uzbekistan (

近期成立的中国—中亚机制秘书处,是中国与哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦向“全方位推动中国—中亚合作”迈出的关键一步。中国表示希望“给六国人民带来更多福祉”。在世界日益担心贫困和社会边缘化可能导致中亚恐怖活动增多的情况下,这一愿望尤其受欢迎。中方如何将这一愿望变为现实?最近一项显示了东南亚民众对中国给予前所未有的高水平支持的调查,提供了一些有用的经验教训以作参考。Read more

China’s Policy for Central Asia: Lessons from Southeast Asia & More

Image: Svetlana Tikhonova, Bukhara, Uzbekistan (

The recent establishment of the Secretariat for the China-Central Asia Mechanism represents a key step taken by China as well as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, to “comprehensively promote [their] cooperation”. China has expressed its wish to “bring more benefits to the people” of the five Central Asian nations. This wish is especially welcome amidst the world’s growing concerns that poverty and social marginalization might have contributed to the rise of terrorist activities in Central Asia. How can China turn this wish into reality? A recent survey showing Southeast Asians’ unprecedented level of support for China provides some useful lessons for reference.Read more

China’s Top Court Frees “Several” Birds with One Key

Image: Linnaea Mallette, Mountain Landscape Illustration (

最高人民法院最近把中国法院系统自去年以来使用的一个鲜为人知的问答工具带到了聚光灯下。该工具的表现令人充满希望,是最高人民法院一石“几”鸟之举。该工具的影响深远,可以为中国发展辅助审判的人工智能奠定坚实的基础。Read more

China’s Top Court Frees “Several” Birds with One Key

Image: Linnaea Mallette, Mountain Landscape Illustration (

A little-known Q&A tool used within China’s court system since 2023 was recently brought to the spotlight. With its promising performance, the tool allows China’s highest court to “free several birds with one key”. The far-reaching impact of the tool also lays a solid foundation for China to develop AI-assisted adjudication.Read more

TikTok: National Security, Protection of Minors, or Other Concerns?

Image: Gerd Altmann, Social Media,

On March 18, 2024, China Daily published an article quoting comments on TikTok made by Dr. Mei Gechlik and Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky.

2024年3月18日,《中国日报》发表了一篇文章,援引熊美英博士和肯塔基州共和党参议员兰德·保罗对抖音的评论。Read more

AI & Zambia Put Biden’s “No-Conflict Competition” with China to the Test

Image: Victoria Borodinova, Chess, Chess Board, Chess Club (

美国总统乔·拜登在其国情咨文中声称,他“希望与中国竞争,而不是冲突”。距离下届美国总统选举还有不到八个月的时间,拜登总统需要证明他值得连任总统,以完成各项工作,包括巩固美国在两个关键领域的领导地位:(1)先进技术的开发和应用,以及(2)与对美国具有战略重要性的国家建立牢固的关系。两项最新事态发展使拜登总统与中国“无冲突地竞争”的计划经受考验。Read more

AI & Zambia Put Biden’s “No-Conflict Competition” with China to the Test

Image: Victoria Borodinova, Chess, Chess Board, Chess Club (

In his State of the Union Address, President Joe Biden asserted that he “want[s] competition with China, not conflict”. With less than eight months before the next U.S. presidential election, President Biden needs to show that he deserves another presidential term to, among other tasks, solidify the country’s leadership in two critical areas: (1) the development and application of advanced technologies, and (2) the establishment of strong ties with foreign countries that are strategically important to the United States. Two recent developments are putting President Biden’s “no-conflict competition” with China to the test.Read more

China’s NEW Law on Foreign State Immunity and Related U.S. Experiences

Image: Gerd Altmann, Judge Gavel (

中国颁布《外国国家豁免法》,标志着中国从容许外国国家在中国法院享有“绝对豁免”正式过渡到将豁免限制于某些类型的诉讼。这种过渡与美国(体现于1976 年《外国主权豁免法》)所采用的做法一致。然而,通过比较中国《外国国家豁免法》和美国《外国主权豁免法》以及美国的相关法理(见小约翰·M·沃克(John M. Walker Jr.)巡回法官通过丝络谈™所发表的文章),可以发现两国做法之间的关键差异。Read more

The United States Approach to Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Image: George Hodan, Judge Gavel (

本文由美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院小约翰·M·沃克(John M. Walker Jr.)资深法官撰写。文章概述了美国对外国主权豁免的做法。首先,文章追溯该原则的起源至美国早期的法理学,并叙述了该原则的发展及其最终被编入1976 年《外国主权豁免法》。文章随后综述《外国主权豁免法》的相关规定和部分司法解释。Read more

China’s NEW Law on Foreign State Immunity and Related U.S. Experiences

Image: Gerd Altmann, Judge Gavel (

China’s enactment of the Foreign State Immunity Law marks the country’s formal transition from affording foreign states “absolute immunity” in Chinese courts to restricting the immunity to certain types of lawsuits. This transition is in line with the approach used in the United States, as codified in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”). However, a comparison between China’s Foreign State Immunity Law and the FSIA and related U.S. jurisprudence——as discussed by Circuit Judge John M. Walker Jr. in an article published by SINOTALKS®——reveals key differences between the two countries’ approaches.Read more

The United States Approach to Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Image: George Hodan, Judge Gavel (

Written by Judge John M. Walker Jr., a senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, this article provides an overview of the U.S. approach to foreign sovereign immunity. First, it traces the doctrine’s origins in early American jurisprudence and recounts the development of the doctrine and its eventual codification in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”) of 1976. The article then summarizes relevant provisions and certain judicial interpretations of the FSIA.Read more

Priorities of the BRICS Under Russia’s Leadership

Image: Sergey Golopolosov, Moscow Kremlin At Night (

俄罗斯于1月1日开始担任为期一年的金砖国家主席国,并迅速召开会议将“增加本国货币在相互结算中的比例”确定为金砖国家的重要工作。俄罗斯有意减少世界对美元的依赖是众所周知的。俄罗斯在担任金砖国家主席国期间能否成功实现这一目标?正如本期《丝络速递™》所解释的那样,这问题的答案取决于俄罗斯能否利用金砖国家成员的支持,吸引大量国家加入该组织。Read more

Priorities of the BRICS Under Russia’s Leadership

Image: Sergey Golopolosov, Moscow Kremlin At Night (

Russia began its one-year BRICS presidency on January 1 and quickly convened a meeting, at which “increasing the proportion of national currencies in mutual settlements” was identified as an important task for the BRICS. Russia’s interest in reducing the world’s reliance on the U.S. dollar is widely known. Will the country succeed in accomplishing this goal during its BRICS presidency? The answer, as explained in this issue of SinoExpress™, depends on whether Russia will be able to leverage the support of existing BRICS members to attract a large number of countries to join the organization.Read more

How a Trademark Case Helps Illuminate China’s NEW Patent Rules

Image: Anthony Nava, Blue, Red, and Green Gears (

中国从2月5日起降低所有银行的存款准备金率的措施会让更多现金注入银行体系,从而有助于重振经济。另一项可能有助于改善中国经济但似乎很少引起法律界以外的关注的措施是中国发布了新修订的专利法实施细则。如果有效实施,这些新修订的规则有可能加强中国的专利保护机制,使中国对外国投资者而言更具吸引力。Read more

How a Trademark Case Helps Illuminate China’s NEW Patent Rules

Image: Anthony Nava, Blue, Red, and Green Gears (

China’s reduction of the reserve requirement ratio for all banks beginning from February 5 is expected to help revive the economy by injecting more cash into the banking system. Another measure that is likely to help improve China’s economy but seems to have drawn little attention outside the legal community is the release of a set of revised rules to implement China’s Patent Law. If applied effectively, these revised rules have the potential to strengthen China’s patent protection mechanism, making the country more appealing to foreign investors.Read more


Images: Alix Lee, Liberty Plaza CKS Memorial; Gerd Altmann, Robot

本期丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》涵盖的内容包括:(1)台湾第三政党民众党如何从上周六的选举中获得有影响力的地位,使其领导人柯文哲有可能与北京进行重要对话;(2)鲜为人知的美中高科技合作,让人们对两国可能在 2024 年共同取得更多成就感到乐观。Read more


Images: Alix Lee, Liberty Plaza CKS Memorial; Gerd Altmann, Robot

This issue of SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, covers how Taiwan’s third party, i.e., the Taiwan People’s Party, has secured from last Saturday’s election an influential position that may empower its leader, KO Wen-je, to have important dialogues with Beijing. The issue also highlights little known U.S.-China high-tech collaborations, which evoke optimism that the two countries may be able to accomplish more together in 2024.Read more