Image: Den Rise/Shutterstock.com
除了指导性案例,法律从业者、企业高管和其他利益相关者绝不能忘记典型案例。典型案例是另一类中国最高人民法院可以发布的有代表性的案例,以指导中国法院的审判。什么是典型案例?为什么它们很重要?Read more
Written by Dr. Mei Gechlik, SINOTALKS® In Brief is a newsletter that demystifies China law, policy, and business to help readers craft evidence-based strategies for their China-related issues.
丝络谈™ 简讯 (SINOTALKS® In Brief)是一份由熊美英博士撰写的通讯,旨在阐明中国法律、政策与商务,以便读者能够针对与中国相关的问题制定循证策略。
Image: Den Rise/Shutterstock.com
除了指导性案例,法律从业者、企业高管和其他利益相关者绝不能忘记典型案例。典型案例是另一类中国最高人民法院可以发布的有代表性的案例,以指导中国法院的审判。什么是典型案例?为什么它们很重要?Read more
Image: Den Rise/Shutterstock.com
Apart from China’s Guiding Cases, legal practitioners, business executives, and other stakeholders must not forget about Typical Cases, another category of representative cases that the Supreme People’s Court of China can release to guide Chinese courts’ adjudication. What are Typical Cases? Why are they significant?Read more
2022年是《中华人民共和国反垄断法》颁布15周年。2021年11月下旬,中国就该法修正案向社会征求意见的工作结束。除了有望看到此重要的国家法律的新版本之外,2022年还可能会出现哪些与该法律相关的司法发展?Read more
2022 marks the 15th anniversary of the issuance of the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China. In late November 2021, China’s solicitation of public comments on its proposed amendment to this law came to an end. Apart from the prospect of seeing a new version of this important national law, what judicial developments related to this law will likely occur in 2022?Read more
中国在人工智能应用于裁判方面的政策目标是什么? 这篇丝络谈™ 简讯 告诉您答案,并解释了为什么指导性案例对于实现这一目标很重要。Read more
What is China’s policy goal regarding the application of artificial intelligence to adjudication? This piece of SINOTALKS.COM In Brief tells you the answer and explains why Guiding Cases are important to the accomplishment of this goal.Read more
Image: 13_Phunkod/Shutterstock.com
在推出丝络谈™(SINOTALKS.COM)仅几天后,熊美英博士便开始出版名为丝络谈™ 简讯(SINOTALKS.COM In Brief)的双周通讯。此通讯的目标是阐明中国法律和政策,以便读者能够针对与中国相关的问题制定循证策略。Read more
Image: 13_Phunkod/Shutterstock.com
Only a few days after the launch of SINOTALKS.COM, Dr. Mei Gechlik began publishing a biweekly newsletter titled SINOTALKS.COM In Brief. The goal for this newsletter is to demystify Chinese law and policy so that readers will be able to craft evidence-based strategies for their China-related issues.Read more
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