
Images: Jennifer Olschefski, Fractal Tech Disc Background; Circe Denyer, IV Needle; icon0 com, Green Rice Farm; Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Chatting And Using Emoji (

丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》已有近 1,100 名订阅者。本期内容涵盖中国的科技投资、非洲的稻米生产、所罗门群岛的医疗保健以及表情符号的使用。Read more


Images: Jennifer Olschefski, Fractal Tech Disc Background; Circe Denyer, IV Needle; icon0 com, Green Rice Farm; Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Chatting And Using Emoji (

SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, has nearly 1,100 subscribers. This issue covers tech investments in China, rice production in Africa, health care in the Soloman Islands, and the use of emojis.Read more