In Brief

Image: iQoncept/

Three decades ago, China’s decision to develop a “socialist market economy” helped bolster foreign investors’ confidence. Today, if China shows similar determination to bring about positive changes in crucial areas, foreign investors will have strong reasons for feeling optimistic about the Chinese market. One crucial area is the regulation of China’s stock market. China does have regulatory tools to combat irregularities in the stock market. Have these tools been used well? Read more

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Image: Pixels Hunter/

在外国企业对疫情限制日益担忧的情况下,中国知识产权五年规划可能有助于增强信心。如果实施得当,该规划将帮助中国建立强而有力的知识产权保护机制,有利于中国疫情后的经济复苏。怎样才能很好地实施该规划?Read more

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Image: Pixels Hunter/

Amid foreign businesses’ growing concerns about COVID restrictions, China’s five-year intellectual property plan may help instill confidence. If implemented well, the plan will help China establish a strong intellectual property protection mechanism that will facilitate the country’s post-COVID economic recovery. How can the plan be implemented well?Read more

In Brief

Image: Wright Studio/Lightspring/

迟来的正义非正义。及时作出判决对侵害知识产权的案件尤为重要,这是由于知识产权权利人需要迅速制止侵权以尽量减少其损失。对此,中国提供了一个解决方案。 这方案如何运作?Read more

In Brief

Image: Wright Studio/Lightspring/

Justice delayed is justice denied. The prompt delivery of judgments is particularly important in cases involving infringement of intellectual property rights, where holders of these rights need to minimize their losses by stopping the infringement swiftly. China does offer a solution. How does it work? Read more

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Background image: xtock/

中国一家省级法院最近指令再审某纠纷,原因是处理该纠纷的下级法院在说理中没有讨论当事人所引述的与该纠纷类似的指导性案例。该裁定有望对该省使用指导性案例方面的司法实践带来积极的变化。为什么?对于中国其他地区而言,这项裁定也会是改变游戏规则的新发展吗?Read more

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Background image: xtock/

The highest court in a province in China recently ordered a retrial of a dispute because lower-level courts handling the dispute failed to discuss in their reasoning a relevant Guiding Case cited by a party as similar to the dispute. This ruling is expected to bring about positive changes to the judicial practice of using Guiding Cases in that province. Why? Will this ruling be a game changer for the rest of the country?Read more


Image: mohamed mahmoud hassan, Lightbulb, Idea, Innovation,

中国案例指导制度的发展如何可以推动该国的知识产权司法保护,协助达到《人民法院知识产权司法保护规划(2021–2025年)》所设定的目标?Read more

再审申请人(一审原告、二审上诉人):李艳艳,女,1977年11月3日出生,汉族,住辽宁省本溪市平山区。Read more


Image: mohamed mahmoud hassan, Lightbulb, Idea, Innovation,

How can the development of China’s Case Guidance System promote the country’s judicial protection of intellectual property rights, helping achieve the goals set forth in the Plan for the Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in People’s Courts (2021-2025)?Read more

In Brief

Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/

2022年初(中韩建交30周年的特别年份),中国发布一个典型案例,以彰显中国对韩国判决的承认和执行。为什么现在这样做?这向中国境内外的法院传递了哪些信息?Read more

In Brief

Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/

In early 2022 (a special year that marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China–South Korea diplomatic relations), China released a Typical Case to highlight the country’s recognition and enforcement of a South Korean judgment. Why now? What messages does this send to courts inside and outside China?Read more

Guiding Case 115

Image: Anastasia Amstutz, Windshield Rain,

2019年12月,中国最高人民法院发布了指导案例115号。四个月后,也就是2020年4月,该指导性案例所依据的二审判决被最高人民法院选定为“2019年中国法院10大知识产权案件”之一。为什么该案如此重要?这都与“行为保全”和发明的“功能性特征”的概念有关。Read more

Guiding Case 115

Image: Anastasia Amstutz, Windshield Rain,

In December 2019, the Supreme People’s Court of China released Guiding Case No. 115. Four months later, in April 2020, the second-instance judgment upon which this Guiding Case is based was selected by the Supreme People’s Court as one of the “Top 10 Intellectual Property Cases of Chinese Courts in 2019”. Why is this case so important? It is all related to the concepts of “act preservation” and “functional features” of inventions.Read more

In Brief

Left image: gnomeandi/
Right image: Peter Gudella/

全球粮食危机不断的恶化使2021年12月开通的中老铁路对中国来说更加重要。中国是否已采取措施来帮助老挝,让其可以更好地应对相关法律风险?从中国的角度来看,帮助老挝从此60亿美元的铁路项目中获得最大利益,同时将风险降至最低,这将加强两国关系,并且有利于中国在该地区的发展。Read more

In Brief

Left image: gnomeandi/
Right image: Peter Gudella/

The worsening food crisis around the world has made the China–Laos Railway, which opened in December 2021, even more important to China. Has China taken steps to help Laos so that the latter can manage related legal risks better? From China’s perspective, helping Laos maximize its benefits from this USD 6 billion railway project while minimizing the risks involved will strengthen the two countries’ relations and bode well for China’s presence in that region.Read more

委托诉讼代理人:张晨,福建天衡联合律师事务所律师。Read more

In Brief

Background image: robbin lee/

乌克兰危机是对已受新冠疫情和经济挫折重创的世界的一个重大打击。那些挣扎求存的企业应该问:在当前的全球危机中,急需的机会在哪里?Read more

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Background image: robbin lee/

The Ukraine crisis is a major blow to a world that has already been hit hard by the pandemic and economic setbacks. Businesses struggling to stay afloat should ask: where are the much-needed opportunities amid the current global crises?Read more