WeRide Zooms into the Global Autonomous Vehicle Industry

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Busy Road Light Trails (Publicomainpictures.net)

比亚迪宣布获得在中国高速道路上测试3级(即“有条件自动化”)自动驾驶的牌照后,该公司进军自动驾驶车辆行业的雄心已然清晰。然而,比亚迪在这个行业的成功之路不太可能一帆风顺,这是由于来自具有深厚行业基础的先行者文远知行的竞争。文远知行的技术已达到4级(即“高度驾驶自动化”),故多项创新产品已投入运营,其中包括自动驾驶出租车(Robotaxis)、自动驾驶小巴(Robobuses)和自动驾驶货运车(Robovans)。什么因素促使文远知行的成功?凭借她研究中国企业尤其是中国科技企业的丰富经验,以及她与熟悉中国自动驾驶车辆行业的专家的会面,刘琳在本文中分享了她的分析。Read more

WeRide Zooms into the Global Autonomous Vehicle Industry

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Busy Road Light Trails (Publicomainpictures.net)

After BYD announced that it has licenses to test Level-3 (i.e., “conditional automation”) autonomous driving on high-speed roads in China, the company’s ambition to move into the autonomous vehicle industry has become clear. However, BYD’s path to success in this industry is unlikely to be smooth because of competition from WeRide, a forerunner with a strong foundation in the industry. Equipped with Level-4 (i.e., “high driving automation”) technology, WeRide has put into operation multiple innovative products, including Robotaxis, Robobuses, and Robovans. What factors contribute to WeRide’s success? Drawing on her extensive experiences in studying Chinese companies, especially those in the technology industry, and her meetings with specialists who are familiar with the autonomous vehicle industry in China, Lin Liu shares her analysis in this article.Read more

The United States Approach to Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Image: George Hodan, Judge Gavel (Publicdomainpictures.net)

本文由美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院小约翰·M·沃克(John M. Walker Jr.)资深法官撰写。文章概述了美国对外国主权豁免的做法。首先,文章追溯该原则的起源至美国早期的法理学,并叙述了该原则的发展及其最终被编入1976 年《外国主权豁免法》。文章随后综述《外国主权豁免法》的相关规定和部分司法解释。Read more

The United States Approach to Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Image: George Hodan, Judge Gavel (Publicdomainpictures.net)

Written by Judge John M. Walker Jr., a senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, this article provides an overview of the U.S. approach to foreign sovereign immunity. First, it traces the doctrine’s origins in early American jurisprudence and recounts the development of the doctrine and its eventual codification in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”) of 1976. The article then summarizes relevant provisions and certain judicial interpretations of the FSIA.Read more

Guiding Case No. 196: Supreme People’s Court Adopts a Liberal Approach to Arbitration While Leaving Room for Unexplored Situations

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Science And Technology, Publicdomainpictures.net

Guiding Case No. 196 (“GC196”) holds that, under Chinese law, an agreement to arbitrate is independently enforceable, even if the agreement was intended to be part of a larger contract that never fully formed. Through a comparison of GC196 with U.S. law, Tyler Atkinson explains why GC196 shows that Chinese law is arguably more favorable to arbitration than the law of the United States, a jurisdiction that, itself, strongly favors arbitration. He also shares practical insights about what companies affected by GC196 should do to avoid the risk of being forced into arbitration.Read more

Guiding Case No. 196: Supreme People’s Court Adopts a Liberal Approach to Arbitration While Leaving Room for Unexplored Situations

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Science And Technology, Publicdomainpictures.net

指导案例196号判定,根据中国法,仲裁协议可以独立执行,即使协议双方有意让协议成为更大合同的一部分,而该合同从未完全成立。通过对指导案例196号和美国法作出的比较,Tyler Atkinson(艾泰乐)解释了为什么该案例显示出中国法可以说是比美国法更有利于仲裁,而美国本身就已经强烈地偏重仲裁。他还分享了实用见解,指出受指导案例196号影响的公司应采取哪些措施来避免被迫进入仲裁的风险。Read more


Image: Gerd Altmann, The Age Of AI Has Begun, Publicdomainpictures.net

2023年3月,百度推出文心一言,冀与ChatGPT和同类型的人工智能产品争夺市场份额。文心一言等人工智能产业可以在中国走得多远,与相关的中国政策和法律规定息息相关。广州、深圳、上海率先根据国家政策制定地方性法规,以各自特别的方式发展人工智能产业。外资进入中国人工智能市场应该选择哪个城市?Read more


Image: Gerd Altmann, The Age Of AI Has Begun, Publicdomainpictures.net

To compete with ChatGPT and similar AI products for market share, Baidu launched ERNIE Bot in March 2023. How far ERNIE Bot and other AI industries will be able to develop in China depends on Chinese policies and legislation on AI. Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai have taken the lead to formulate their local regulations in accordance with China’s national policies and have been developing AI industries in their own special ways. Which city should foreign investors choose to enter China’s AI market?Read more


Image: Charles Rondeau, Green Dollar, Publicdomainpictures.net

Core Climate由香港交易及结算所有限公司于2022年10月推出。作为中国一个特别行政区,香港将如何利用Core Climate助力中国大湾区以及中国其他地区实现它们的气候目标?此外,Core Climate 能否帮助香港成为亚洲可持续金融的领导者?Read more


Image: Charles Rondeau, Green Dollar, Publicdomainpictures.net

Core Climate was launched by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited in October 2022. How can Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, leverage Core Climate to assist the country’s Greater Bay Area and other regions to accomplish their climate goals? Will Core Climate be able to help Hong Kong become a leader in sustainable finance in Asia?Read more


Image: Ron Mzr, Haifa, Publicdomainpictures.net

China and Israel have reportedly accelerated negotiations on their long-anticipated free trade agreement (“FTA”), raising hopes that the FTA may come to fruition by the end of 2022 to mark the 30th anniversary of the two countries’ relations. What lessons can be learned from the decade-long activity of Chinese multinational corporations specializing in infrastructure projects in the Israeli market?Read more