
Image: Ron Mzr, Haifa,

China and Israel have reportedly accelerated negotiations on their long-anticipated free trade agreement (“FTA”), raising hopes that the FTA may come to fruition by the end of 2022 to mark the 30th anniversary of the two countries’ relations. What lessons can be learned from the decade-long activity of Chinese multinational corporations specializing in infrastructure projects in the Israeli market?Read more

In Brief

Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/

2022年初(中韩建交30周年的特别年份),中国发布一个典型案例,以彰显中国对韩国判决的承认和执行。为什么现在这样做?这向中国境内外的法院传递了哪些信息?Read more

In Brief

Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/

In early 2022 (a special year that marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China–South Korea diplomatic relations), China released a Typical Case to highlight the country’s recognition and enforcement of a South Korean judgment. Why now? What messages does this send to courts inside and outside China?Read more