China’s Education and Africa-East Asia Relations

Images: Linnaea Mallette, Graduation Cap;
Dawn Hudson, Silver Map (

国家主席习近平最近提出了未来三年中国与非洲合作实施的十大伙伴行动。这些行动以推进现代化为重点,有望激励非洲年轻人到中国接受大学教育,获取相关知识和技能,并且建立强大的中非网络。一项研究所揭示的趋势表明,在中国深造可能会为非洲年轻人带来更多收获:他们与中国日益壮大的东亚学生群体的互动将使他们做好充分准备,成为非洲和东亚之间有效的中介,因为东亚正积极寻求挖掘非洲的巨大潜力。Read more

China’s Education and Africa-East Asia Relations

Images: Linnaea Mallette, Graduation Cap;
Dawn Hudson, Silver Map (

President XI Jinping recently outlined ten partnership actions for China and Africa to jointly take in the next three years. Focusing on advancing modernization, these actions will likely motivate young Africans to pursue education in China to acquire related knowledge and skills and to build strong China-Africa networks. Trends revealed by a recent study suggest that furthering education in China may produce additional results for young Africans: their interactions with growing East Asian student communities in China will also prepare them well to become effective intermediaries between Africa and East Asia, as the latter actively seeks to tap into Africa’s tremendous potential.Read more

Hong Kong’s Land Leases & Asia’s Prosperity and Stability

Images: Jean Beaufort, Travel Poster;
Yinan Chen, Hong Kong City Buildings (

7月初,香港一项新法例将这座前英国管治的城市近400份的土地租契续期50年,这些租契的有效期因而跨越2047年6月30日——一个关键日期,因其标志着香港自1997年回归中国以来所实行经北京批准的治理体系可能终结。更多的土地租契将以同样的方式续期。如果此具有广泛影响的租契续期问题得到妥善处理,北京将能够为香港乃至亚洲的繁荣与稳定做出重大贡献。Read more

Hong Kong’s Land Leases & Asia’s Prosperity and Stability

Images: Jean Beaufort, Travel Poster;
Yinan Chen, Hong Kong City Buildings (

In early July, a new Hong Kong law extended nearly 400 land leases in the formerly British-governed city for another 50 years, making the leases go beyond June 30, 2047—the critical date marking the potential expiry of the Beijing-approved governance system operating in the city since its handover to China in 1997. More leases are expected to be extended in the same manner. If the extension of these leases—which has broad implications—is handled well, Beijing will be able to significantly contribute to the prosperity and stability of not only Hong Kong, but also Asia.Read more

China’s Promotion of Case-Based Legal Reasoning in the BRICS

Images: George Hodan, Judge Gavel;
Maliz Ong, Black and White Brick Wall (

2018年,我与两位作者合著了一篇题为《案例文化在中国内外的传播》。我们分析了当时中国最高人民法院已发布的 96 个指导性案例(即:事实上具有约束力的案例)是如何在全国各地法院判决的 1,281 起后续案件中被引用的。我们得出了此结论:“指导性案例的初步成功似乎为中国案例文化的传播提供了肥沃的土壤,而鉴于中国渴望增加其在世界各地的影响,中国案例文化可能有机会在其他地方传播。6月中旬,一个机会出现了,让中国可以在金砖国家推广以案例为基础的法律推理文化。Read more

China’s Promotion of Case-Based Legal Reasoning in the BRICS

Images: George Hodan, Judge Gavel;
Maliz Ong, Black and White Brick Wall (

In 2018, I co-authored an article titled Propagation of a Case Culture in China and Potentially Beyond.  Based on an analysis of how 96 Guiding Cases, de facto binding cases released by China’s Supreme People’s Court available at the time, had been referenced in 1,281 subsequent cases decided by courts across the country, my co-authors and I drew this conclusion: “the preliminary success of [Guiding Cases] seems to have provided fertile ground for the propagation of a case culture in China and, given the country’s eagerness to increase its presence around the world, this culture may have a chance to be propagated elsewhere.”  Just such an opportunity for China to propagate a culture of applying case-based legal reasoning in the BRICS arose in mid-June.Read more

India’s Election Results & Central China’s “Accelerated Rise”

Images: Gerd Altmann, Colorful India;
Peter Griffin, Afternoon Lunch (

印度总理莫迪领导的印度人民党未能在议会下院获得多数席位,也未能在传统上支持该党的邦维持其受欢迎程度,这一失败的一个重要教训是,印度迫切需要解决经济不平等问题。莫迪总理面临越来越大的压力,他必须在第三任期内向那些尚未从印度进步中受益的人们实现强劲的经济表现。中国也面临着类似的挑战。该国领导层正在推出旨在支持中部地区“加快崛起”的新措施。鉴于印度与中国的竞争日益激烈,中国如何实现这一目标应会引起印度及其盟友的强烈关注。Read more

India’s Election Results & Central China’s “Accelerated Rise”

Images: Gerd Altmann, Colorful India;
Peter Griffin, Afternoon Lunch (

A key lesson from the failure of Prime Minister Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (“BJP”) to secure a majority in the lower house of India’s parliament and to sustain its popularity in traditionally pro-BJP states is the pressing need to solve the issue of economic inequality in India. Mr. Modi faces mounting pressure to deliver during his third term as India’s Prime Minister a strong economic performance to those who have not yet benefited from India’s progress. Similar challenges are being faced by Chinese leaders, who are rolling out new measures aimed at supporting the “accelerated rise” of Central China. Given India’s growing competition with China, how China plans to accomplish this goal should be of significant interest to India and its allies.Read more

China’s Policy for Central Asia: Lessons from Southeast Asia & More

Image: Svetlana Tikhonova, Bukhara, Uzbekistan (

近期成立的中国—中亚机制秘书处,是中国与哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦向“全方位推动中国—中亚合作”迈出的关键一步。中国表示希望“给六国人民带来更多福祉”。在世界日益担心贫困和社会边缘化可能导致中亚恐怖活动增多的情况下,这一愿望尤其受欢迎。中方如何将这一愿望变为现实?最近一项显示了东南亚民众对中国给予前所未有的高水平支持的调查,提供了一些有用的经验教训以作参考。Read more

China’s Policy for Central Asia: Lessons from Southeast Asia & More

Image: Svetlana Tikhonova, Bukhara, Uzbekistan (

The recent establishment of the Secretariat for the China-Central Asia Mechanism represents a key step taken by China as well as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, to “comprehensively promote [their] cooperation”. China has expressed its wish to “bring more benefits to the people” of the five Central Asian nations. This wish is especially welcome amidst the world’s growing concerns that poverty and social marginalization might have contributed to the rise of terrorist activities in Central Asia. How can China turn this wish into reality? A recent survey showing Southeast Asians’ unprecedented level of support for China provides some useful lessons for reference.Read more

AI & Zambia Put Biden’s “No-Conflict Competition” with China to the Test

Image: Victoria Borodinova, Chess, Chess Board, Chess Club (

美国总统乔·拜登在其国情咨文中声称,他“希望与中国竞争,而不是冲突”。距离下届美国总统选举还有不到八个月的时间,拜登总统需要证明他值得连任总统,以完成各项工作,包括巩固美国在两个关键领域的领导地位:(1)先进技术的开发和应用,以及(2)与对美国具有战略重要性的国家建立牢固的关系。两项最新事态发展使拜登总统与中国“无冲突地竞争”的计划经受考验。Read more

AI & Zambia Put Biden’s “No-Conflict Competition” with China to the Test

Image: Victoria Borodinova, Chess, Chess Board, Chess Club (

In his State of the Union Address, President Joe Biden asserted that he “want[s] competition with China, not conflict”. With less than eight months before the next U.S. presidential election, President Biden needs to show that he deserves another presidential term to, among other tasks, solidify the country’s leadership in two critical areas: (1) the development and application of advanced technologies, and (2) the establishment of strong ties with foreign countries that are strategically important to the United States. Two recent developments are putting President Biden’s “no-conflict competition” with China to the test.Read more

The United States Approach to Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Image: George Hodan, Judge Gavel (

本文由美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院小约翰·M·沃克(John M. Walker Jr.)资深法官撰写。文章概述了美国对外国主权豁免的做法。首先,文章追溯该原则的起源至美国早期的法理学,并叙述了该原则的发展及其最终被编入1976 年《外国主权豁免法》。文章随后综述《外国主权豁免法》的相关规定和部分司法解释。Read more

China’s NEW Law on Foreign State Immunity and Related U.S. Experiences

Image: Gerd Altmann, Judge Gavel (

中国颁布《外国国家豁免法》,标志着中国从容许外国国家在中国法院享有“绝对豁免”正式过渡到将豁免限制于某些类型的诉讼。这种过渡与美国(体现于1976 年《外国主权豁免法》)所采用的做法一致。然而,通过比较中国《外国国家豁免法》和美国《外国主权豁免法》以及美国的相关法理(见小约翰·M·沃克(John M. Walker Jr.)巡回法官通过丝络谈™所发表的文章),可以发现两国做法之间的关键差异。Read more

The United States Approach to Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Image: George Hodan, Judge Gavel (

Written by Judge John M. Walker Jr., a senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, this article provides an overview of the U.S. approach to foreign sovereign immunity. First, it traces the doctrine’s origins in early American jurisprudence and recounts the development of the doctrine and its eventual codification in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”) of 1976. The article then summarizes relevant provisions and certain judicial interpretations of the FSIA.Read more

China’s NEW Law on Foreign State Immunity and Related U.S. Experiences

Image: Gerd Altmann, Judge Gavel (

China’s enactment of the Foreign State Immunity Law marks the country’s formal transition from affording foreign states “absolute immunity” in Chinese courts to restricting the immunity to certain types of lawsuits. This transition is in line with the approach used in the United States, as codified in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”). However, a comparison between China’s Foreign State Immunity Law and the FSIA and related U.S. jurisprudence——as discussed by Circuit Judge John M. Walker Jr. in an article published by SINOTALKS®——reveals key differences between the two countries’ approaches.Read more