The Moon, Artificial Intelligence, & U.S.-China Relations

Image: Irina Pechkareva, A Space with the Moon (

尽管中国被美国排除在该国的太空项目之外,但中国正在进行的从月球背面收集岩石和土壤的任务标志着中国太空探索的另一个里程碑。这一成就应该让美国政策制定者思考,采取类似的排除做法是否会有助或损害美国为了在中美人工智能竞赛中确保领先地位而付出的努力。更重要的是,鉴于人工智能操纵的潜在灾难性后果,我们需要一种更好的做法,专注于在全球范围内创造利益,而不是让情况演变成两个国际大国之间简单的输赢竞赛。Read more

The Moon, Artificial Intelligence, & U.S.-China Relations

Image: Irina Pechkareva, A Space with the Moon (

China’s ongoing mission to collect rocks and soil from the far side of the Moon marks another milestone in the country’s space exploration despite its exclusion from U.S. space projects. This accomplishment should make U.S. policymakers ponder whether adopting a similar exclusionary approach will help or hurt the United States’s efforts to secure the lead in the U.S.-China AI race. More importantly, the potential catastrophic consequences of AI manipulation demand a better approach that focuses on generating benefits at a global level, rather than devolving into a simple win-lose race between two international powers.Read more

TikTok: National Security, Protection of Minors, or Other Concerns?

Image: Gerd Altmann, Social Media,

On March 18, 2024, China Daily published an article quoting comments on TikTok made by Dr. Mei Gechlik and Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky.

2024年3月18日,《中国日报》发表了一篇文章,援引熊美英博士和肯塔基州共和党参议员兰德·保罗对抖音的评论。Read more


Images: Alix Lee, Liberty Plaza CKS Memorial; Gerd Altmann, Robot

本期丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》涵盖的内容包括:(1)台湾第三政党民众党如何从上周六的选举中获得有影响力的地位,使其领导人柯文哲有可能与北京进行重要对话;(2)鲜为人知的美中高科技合作,让人们对两国可能在 2024 年共同取得更多成就感到乐观。Read more


Images: Alix Lee, Liberty Plaza CKS Memorial; Gerd Altmann, Robot

This issue of SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, covers how Taiwan’s third party, i.e., the Taiwan People’s Party, has secured from last Saturday’s election an influential position that may empower its leader, KO Wen-je, to have important dialogues with Beijing. The issue also highlights little known U.S.-China high-tech collaborations, which evoke optimism that the two countries may be able to accomplish more together in 2024.Read more

In Brief

Image: Dawn Hudson, Globe Watercolour,

美国总统拜登最近与中国国家主席习近平的会晤缓和了两国之间日益紧张的局势,让人感到棘手的台湾问题在不久的将来不太可能引发冲突。这一发展符合台湾民众的主流立场。在1994年至2022年进行的调查中,大多数受访者表示希望看到台湾“维持现状再决定”或“永远维持现状”。这向北京领导人发出了什么信号?在此过渡期间可以做什么?Read more

In Brief

Image: Dawn Hudson, Globe Watercolour,

U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent meeting with Chinese President XI Jinping has eased the growing tension between the two countries, giving rise to hope that the difficult Taiwan issue will be unlikely to trigger conflict in the near future. This development is in line with the mainstream stance taken by people in Taiwan. The majority of respondents to surveys conducted from 1994 to 2022 have expressed their wish to see Taiwan (a) maintain the status quo and then decide the future at a later date; or (b) maintain the status quo indefinitely. What does this signal to leaders in Beijing? What can be done in the interim?Read more

U.S.–China Relations, Climate Change, and Biodiversity Loss

Image: George Hodan, Tropical Sea Underwater With Corals (

美国国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯在其演讲中明确表示,中国是美国应对气候危机能力的“不可或缺”的一部分。他敦促中国与美国一起“加快”两国共同努力的“步伐”。拥有健康的原生植物和动物种群的生态系统有助于应对气候挑战。然而,许多生态系统受到生物多样性丧失的不利影响。中国如何应对这一丧失?Read more

U.S.–China Relations, Climate Change, and Biodiversity Loss

Image: George Hodan, Tropical Sea Underwater With Corals (

In his recent speech, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken clearly stated that China is “integral” to the United States’s ability to solve the climate crisis. He urged China to join the United States in “accelerating the pace” of their shared efforts. Ecosystems with healthy populations of native plants and animals help address climate challenges. Yet many ecosystems have been adversely affected by the loss of biodiversity. How does China tackle this loss?Read more

Interview: Tom Tong

Image: kai Stachowiak, Background,

洛克律师事务所国际合伙人童樟茂律师最近创立了 Lawmato。Lawmato是一款应用程序,让律师通过该程序的强大音频/视频通信功能,为世界各地的消费者(包括个人和小型企业)提供在线咨询。除了说明Lawmato 如何有可能改变法律服务行业之外,童律师还借鉴他作为美国和中国公司之间的联络人的20多年经验,分享他对在两国进行交易时面临的不同挑战的见解。Read more

Interview: Tom Tong

Image: kai Stachowiak, Background,

Tom Tong, an international partner of Locke Lord LLP, recently founded Lawmato, an app that enables lawyers to provide online consultation to consumers, including individuals and small businesses, anywhere in the world via the robust audio/video communication capacities of the app.  Apart from explaining how Lawmato has the potential to change the legal services industry, Mr. Tong draws on his more than 20 years of experience acting as liaison between U.S. and Chinese firms to share his insights about different challenges in doing deals in China and in the United States.Read more