The United States Approach to Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Image: George Hodan, Judge Gavel (

本文由美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院小约翰·M·沃克(John M. Walker Jr.)资深法官撰写。文章概述了美国对外国主权豁免的做法。首先,文章追溯该原则的起源至美国早期的法理学,并叙述了该原则的发展及其最终被编入1976 年《外国主权豁免法》。文章随后综述《外国主权豁免法》的相关规定和部分司法解释。Read more

China’s NEW Law on Foreign State Immunity and Related U.S. Experiences

Image: Gerd Altmann, Judge Gavel (

中国颁布《外国国家豁免法》,标志着中国从容许外国国家在中国法院享有“绝对豁免”正式过渡到将豁免限制于某些类型的诉讼。这种过渡与美国(体现于1976 年《外国主权豁免法》)所采用的做法一致。然而,通过比较中国《外国国家豁免法》和美国《外国主权豁免法》以及美国的相关法理(见小约翰·M·沃克(John M. Walker Jr.)巡回法官通过丝络谈™所发表的文章),可以发现两国做法之间的关键差异。Read more

The United States Approach to Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Image: George Hodan, Judge Gavel (

Written by Judge John M. Walker Jr., a senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, this article provides an overview of the U.S. approach to foreign sovereign immunity. First, it traces the doctrine’s origins in early American jurisprudence and recounts the development of the doctrine and its eventual codification in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”) of 1976. The article then summarizes relevant provisions and certain judicial interpretations of the FSIA.Read more

China’s NEW Law on Foreign State Immunity and Related U.S. Experiences

Image: Gerd Altmann, Judge Gavel (

China’s enactment of the Foreign State Immunity Law marks the country’s formal transition from affording foreign states “absolute immunity” in Chinese courts to restricting the immunity to certain types of lawsuits. This transition is in line with the approach used in the United States, as codified in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”). However, a comparison between China’s Foreign State Immunity Law and the FSIA and related U.S. jurisprudence——as discussed by Circuit Judge John M. Walker Jr. in an article published by SINOTALKS®——reveals key differences between the two countries’ approaches.Read more

Guiding Case No. 196: Supreme People’s Court Adopts a Liberal Approach to Arbitration While Leaving Room for Unexplored Situations

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Science And Technology,

指导案例196号判定,根据中国法,仲裁协议可以独立执行,即使协议双方有意让协议成为更大合同的一部分,而该合同从未完全成立。通过对指导案例196号和美国法作出的比较,Tyler Atkinson(艾泰乐)解释了为什么该案例显示出中国法可以说是比美国法更有利于仲裁,而美国本身就已经强烈地偏重仲裁。他还分享了实用见解,指出受指导案例196号影响的公司应采取哪些措施来避免被迫进入仲裁的风险。Read more

Guiding Case No. 196: Supreme People’s Court Adopts a Liberal Approach to Arbitration While Leaving Room for Unexplored Situations

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Science And Technology,

Guiding Case No. 196 (“GC196”) holds that, under Chinese law, an agreement to arbitrate is independently enforceable, even if the agreement was intended to be part of a larger contract that never fully formed. Through a comparison of GC196 with U.S. law, Tyler Atkinson explains why GC196 shows that Chinese law is arguably more favorable to arbitration than the law of the United States, a jurisdiction that, itself, strongly favors arbitration. He also shares practical insights about what companies affected by GC196 should do to avoid the risk of being forced into arbitration.Read more

In Brief

Images: Peter Griffin, Bullet Train, &
Victoria Borodinova, Bedouin, Desert, Caravan, Camels,

早在人工智能聊天机器人出现之前,中国就优先发展人工智能,促使开创性立法的颁布,推动外商投资。运用类似的长期规划技巧,中国多年前就开始重振古丝绸之路东端西安的辉煌。采取的举措包括提高了该市解决法律纠纷的能力,以处理“一带一路”倡议所引起的法律纠纷。西安最近举办了中国–中亚峰会,这标志着该市有潜力再次促进该地区的经济发展。这些成就是相当了不起的。中国是如何走到这一步的,并且这可能会通向何方?Read more

In Brief

Images: Peter Griffin, Bullet Train, &
Victoria Borodinova, Bedouin, Desert, Caravan, Camels,

Long before the emergence of AI chatbots, China had already prioritized the development of AI, resulting in the promulgation of pioneering legislation to boost foreign investment. Applying similar long-term planning skills, China began years ago to revive the glory of Xi’an, the eastern terminus of the ancient Silk Road, by enhancing the city’s capacity to resolve legal disputes arising from China’s current Belt and Road Initiative. Xi’an’s recent hosting of the China–Central Asia Summit has signaled the city’s potential to facilitate again the economic development in this region. These achievements are quite remarkable. How did China get here and where will this likely lead to? Read more