
Images: Jean Beaufort, Oil Pump Jack; Joshua Kim, Father and Daughters on Hanoi Street; Circe Denyer, Computer Chip Technology Hardware; Axelle B, Smartphone (

本期丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》涵盖的内容包括:圭亚那的经济和外交实力会如何促使中国更积极地帮助解决委内瑞拉与圭亚那的争端、为什么新加坡最近采取的开创性举措可能有利于中国和越南、德国对其半导体行业的补贴招致了哪些批评、富士康最近在印度的扩张计划到底意味着什么。Read more


Images: Jean Beaufort, Oil Pump Jack; Joshua Kim, Father and Daughters on Hanoi Street; Circe Denyer, Computer Chip Technology Hardware; Axelle B, Smartphone (

This issue of SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, covers how Guyana’s economic and diplomatic might will likely cause China to become more involved in helping settle the Venezuela-Guyana dispute, why a pioneering move recently taken by Singapore could benefit China and Vietnam, what criticisms Germany’s subsidies for its semiconductor industry have drawn, and what Foxconn’s recent expansion plan in India really means.Read more


Images: Linnaea Mallette, Windmill Farm; Tom Ffiske, Woman On Grass With VR Headset; Jônatas Ferreira Jona F, Panama Canal; Mark Yang, Singapore Sea Lion and Skyline (

本期丝络谈™每月通讯《丝络速递™》涵盖的内容包括:加州为何特别能从拜习会中获益、元宇宙如何拉近中国与Meta的距离、巴拿马和苏伊士运河对贸易带来的挑战、新加坡对亚洲的见解。Read more


Images: Linnaea Mallette, Windmill Farm; Tom Ffiske, Woman On Grass With VR Headset; Jônatas Ferreira Jona F, Panama Canal; Mark Yang, Singapore Sea Lion and Skyline (

This issue of SinoExpress™, a monthly newsletter of SINOTALKS®, covers why California is well-placed to reap benefits brought by the Biden-Xi meeting, how the Metaverse brings China and Meta closer, what challenges the Panama and Suez Canals present to trade, and Singapore’s insights about Asia.Read more


Image: Charles Rondeau, Green Dollar,

Core Climate由香港交易及结算所有限公司于2022年10月推出。作为中国一个特别行政区,香港将如何利用Core Climate助力中国大湾区以及中国其他地区实现它们的气候目标?此外,Core Climate 能否帮助香港成为亚洲可持续金融的领导者?Read more


Image: Charles Rondeau, Green Dollar,

Core Climate was launched by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited in October 2022. How can Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, leverage Core Climate to assist the country’s Greater Bay Area and other regions to accomplish their climate goals? Will Core Climate be able to help Hong Kong become a leader in sustainable finance in Asia?Read more

In Brief

Image: elwynn/

Since late 2021, China has been pushing the development of the Metaverse and expressing its keen interest in joining the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, which was signed by Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore in June 2020. These efforts and their latest developments, together with President XI Jinping’s current visit to Central Asia, help show China’s strategic preparations for the future.Read more

In Brief

Image: chaythawin/

尽管中国面临各种经济挑战,但该国的跨境电子商务仍然快速增长。然而,这种增长的种子并不是为了应对新冠病毒疫情的经济困境而无规律地播下的。寻求全球销售的企业若能了解中国跨境电子商务如何获得政府的支持,并明白有哪些最新措施来解决相关争议,将会有助其抓住潜在利润丰厚的机会。Read more

In Brief

Image: chaythawin/

Despite various economic challenges facing China, the country’s cross-border e-commerce stands out to show rapid growth. The seeds of this growth were, however, not planted erratically as a response to economic woes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding how this type of commerce has gained governmental support and what latest measures have been taken to resolve related disputes helps businesses seeking to sell globally seize potentially lucrative opportunities.Read more

In Brief

Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/

2022年初(中韩建交30周年的特别年份),中国发布一个典型案例,以彰显中国对韩国判决的承认和执行。为什么现在这样做?这向中国境内外的法院传递了哪些信息?Read more

In Brief

Image: Denise Lett/Africa Studio/MattiaATH/

In early 2022 (a special year that marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China–South Korea diplomatic relations), China released a Typical Case to highlight the country’s recognition and enforcement of a South Korean judgment. Why now? What messages does this send to courts inside and outside China?Read more