Arbitration and China’s Global Business

Image: Linnaea Mallette, Shipping Port (

全球商务对中国的重要性日益增加,故中国有必要表明其承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的决心。自 1987 年以来,中国一直是《纽约公约》的缔约国。该公约要求每个缔约国都确保其法院承认和执行在另一个缔约国作出的仲裁裁决,除非这种承认或执行违反其“公共政策”,或有其他例外情况。由于《纽约公约》没有对“公共政策”作出规定,中国法院如何解释此例外情况直接影响到外国当事人与中国开展业务的信心程度。中国最近发布的一起案例阐明了对此例外情况的解释。Read more

Arbitration and China’s Global Business

Image: Linnaea Mallette, Shipping Port (

The growing importance of global business to China makes it crucial for the country to show its commitment to recognize and enforce foreign arbitral awards. Since 1987, China has been a contracting state of the New York Convention, which requires each contracting state to ensure that its judiciary recognizes and enforces an arbitral award made in another contracting state, unless such recognition or enforcement would be contrary to the contracting state’s “public policy”, among other exceptions. The convention does not interpret the “public policy” exception. How the Chinese judiciary interprets it directly influences foreign parties’ level of confidence in doing business with China. A recent court case in China sheds light on the interpretation of this exception.Read more

The Olympics, Overseas Chinese, & Foreign Laws

Image: Gerd Altmann, Hurry Up (

中国队在2024年夏季奥运会上的出色表现,让许多海外华人对自己的中国根更感兴趣。这可能会使他们对中国带来的机遇更加着迷,尤其是国际货币基金组织已经预测中国2024年的经济增长为5%。此转变应会促使北京加大力度,有效地吸引海外华人参与中国的发展,毕竟北京视海外华人为连接中国与世界的重要桥梁。巧合的是,最高人民法院关于查明域外法的新举措可以帮助实现这一目标。Read more

The Olympics, Overseas Chinese, & Foreign Laws

Image: Gerd Altmann, Hurry Up (

China’s impressive performance during the 2024 Summer Olympics has heightened many overseas Chinese’s interest in their own Chinese roots. This will likely boost their fascination with opportunities emerging from China, whose economy the IMF predicts will grow 5% in 2024. Beijing should, therefore, be motivated to step up its efforts to effectively engage overseas Chinese, who have been perceived by Beijing as important bridges connecting China with the rest of the world. Coincidentally, the Supreme People’s Court’s new initiative regarding the ascertainment of foreign laws can help engage overseas Chinese effectively.Read more

China’s Top Court Frees “Several” Birds with One Key

Image: Linnaea Mallette, Mountain Landscape Illustration (

最高人民法院最近把中国法院系统自去年以来使用的一个鲜为人知的问答工具带到了聚光灯下。该工具的表现令人充满希望,是最高人民法院一石“几”鸟之举。该工具的影响深远,可以为中国发展辅助审判的人工智能奠定坚实的基础。Read more

China’s Top Court Frees “Several” Birds with One Key

Image: Linnaea Mallette, Mountain Landscape Illustration (

A little-known Q&A tool used within China’s court system since 2023 was recently brought to the spotlight. With its promising performance, the tool allows China’s highest court to “free several birds with one key”. The far-reaching impact of the tool also lays a solid foundation for China to develop AI-assisted adjudication.Read more

China’s “One Website, Two Databases” Approach to Judicial Transparency, Reform, & Consistency

Image: Gerd Altmann, Seek (

为了缓解人们对一个发布了大量中国裁判文书的网站的未来的担忧,最高人民法院最近采取了不同寻常的举措,不仅确认该网站继续运行,还宣布建立两个新的数据库。借助这两个数据库,中国法院将能够制定数据驱动的司法改革措施,并提高司法一致性。两个数据库弥补了上述网站的不足,但值得注意的是,该网站作为维护司法透明不可或缺的平台,在提升两个数据库价值方面发挥着独特的作用。Read more

China’s “One Website, Two Databases” Approach to Judicial Transparency, Reform, & Consistency

Image: Gerd Altmann, Seek (

To alleviate growing concerns about the future of a key website used by Chinese courts to publish millions of judgments, the Supreme People’s Court took an unusual step recently not only to confirm the continued operation of the website, but also to announce the establishment of two new databases. With the two databases, the Chinese judiciary will be able to formulate data-driven judicial reform measures and increase judicial consistency. While the databases help address deficiencies of the website, it is worth noting that the website—an indispensable platform to safeguard judicial transparency—plays a unique role in enhancing the value of these databases.Read more

In Brief

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Apartment Building Pattern (

中国法院如何处理涉及陷入困境的房地产开发商的案件会影响外国投资者对整个中国市场的信心。最高人民法院近日重点介绍了涉及一家房地产开发商的系列案件的执行工作。这些案件透出的迹象说明了中国法院被寄予期望,效仿这些案件的执行方式,以取得“很好的政治效果、社会效果和法律效果”。Read more

In Brief

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Apartment Building Pattern (

How courts in China handle cases involving struggling real estate developers will affect foreign investors’ confidence in the entire Chinese market. The Supreme People’s Court recently highlighted the enforcement of a series of cases involving a real estate developer. These cases provide indications illuminating how courts in China are expected to follow suit to achieve “good political, social, and legal effects”.Read more

In Brief

Images: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper; icon0 com, China Flag Themes Idea (

民营企业与中国国有企业或政府机关打官司是否有机会胜诉?中国最高人民法院显然是尝试增强人们对中国市场的信心,故通过公布两起案例以表示该问题的答案是肯定的。这两个案例所体现的对民营企业的积极对待是否会成为一种常态?Read more

In Brief

Images: Kai Stachowiak, Background Wallpaper; icon0 com, China Flag Themes Idea (

Is there any chance for a private enterprise to win a lawsuit against a state-owned enterprise or a government agency in China? In an apparent attempt to boost confidence in the Chinese market, the Supreme People’s Court of China has signaled an affirmative answer to this question by releasing two court cases. Will the positive treatment of private enterprises, as demonstrated in these two cases, become a norm?Read more

Guiding Case No. 196: Supreme People’s Court Adopts a Liberal Approach to Arbitration While Leaving Room for Unexplored Situations

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Science And Technology,

Guiding Case No. 196 (“GC196”) holds that, under Chinese law, an agreement to arbitrate is independently enforceable, even if the agreement was intended to be part of a larger contract that never fully formed. Through a comparison of GC196 with U.S. law, Tyler Atkinson explains why GC196 shows that Chinese law is arguably more favorable to arbitration than the law of the United States, a jurisdiction that, itself, strongly favors arbitration. He also shares practical insights about what companies affected by GC196 should do to avoid the risk of being forced into arbitration.Read more

Guiding Case No. 196: Supreme People’s Court Adopts a Liberal Approach to Arbitration While Leaving Room for Unexplored Situations

Image: Petr Kratochvil, Science And Technology,

指导案例196号判定,根据中国法,仲裁协议可以独立执行,即使协议双方有意让协议成为更大合同的一部分,而该合同从未完全成立。通过对指导案例196号和美国法作出的比较,Tyler Atkinson(艾泰乐)解释了为什么该案例显示出中国法可以说是比美国法更有利于仲裁,而美国本身就已经强烈地偏重仲裁。他还分享了实用见解,指出受指导案例196号影响的公司应采取哪些措施来避免被迫进入仲裁的风险。Read more

Guiding Case 196

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Contract Signature,

2022年12月,中国最高人民法院发布了指导性案例196号,为主合同未成立的仲裁条款的效力提供了重要指导原则。这些原则将对法律实践产生很大的影响。Read more

Guiding Case 196

Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Contract Signature,

In December 2022, the Supreme People’s Court of China released Guiding Case No. 196 to provide significant guiding principles regarding the validity of an arbitration clause even though the contract that contains the clause has not been formed. These principles will have a considerable impact on legal practice.Read more

In Brief

Background image: xtock/

中国一家省级法院最近指令再审某纠纷,原因是处理该纠纷的下级法院在说理中没有讨论当事人所引述的与该纠纷类似的指导性案例。该裁定有望对该省使用指导性案例方面的司法实践带来积极的变化。为什么?对于中国其他地区而言,这项裁定也会是改变游戏规则的新发展吗?Read more

In Brief

Background image: xtock/

The highest court in a province in China recently ordered a retrial of a dispute because lower-level courts handling the dispute failed to discuss in their reasoning a relevant Guiding Case cited by a party as similar to the dispute. This ruling is expected to bring about positive changes to the judicial practice of using Guiding Cases in that province. Why? Will this ruling be a game changer for the rest of the country?Read more